Monthly Archives: September 2010

Migrating Outlook profiles manually

As much as a I dislike Microsoft Outlook, we have a number of customers using it whom require support services and for the most part, it tends to meet their needs.

Like any Microsoft product, Outlook does have it’s own set of quirks and annoyances. In particular, the process of moving account mail and settings is much more complicated than competitors like Thunderbird who have a simple directory containing both config and files.

Whilst Outlook will use PST files for local email storage (don’t even get me started about PST files…) it doesn’t store the configration for accounts/settings as a file that you can copy across, so after moving to a new computer/account, the files can’t be re-imported.

This can be avoided if you use the windows migration tools, but these aren’t always appropriate for every situation, nor are they any use when you’re recovering selective bits of data from a backup.

The good news is that there is an (I think undocumented) way to copy the Outlook profile settings over to another computer/user.

To do so, run regedit and browse to the following location in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
                              \Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles

Whilst it’s all just blob data, these registry values contain your account settings and details for Outlook.  By exporting the profile(s) from this location you can then re-import onto the new account/computer to retain all your settings.

When Outlook starts, it will remember all the settings (excluding passwords) and if it can’t locate the PST files in their previous location, it will prompt for the new one.

Day 02 – The meaning behind your Blog name

Well this question isn’t a particularly exciting day 02 article – the name of my blog is pretty obvious. :-)

The name Jethro itself has a bit of a chain of history – technically I’m named after Jethro Tull (the band) which in turn is named after Jethro Tull (The Argiculturist).

In terms of the actual name, I believe the earliest reference to a Jethro is the Christian bible – apparently I owned sheep and one of my lazy staff at the time was busy getting visions from god instead of actually doing their job and looking after the sheep.

Naturally I’ve carried on this entrepreneurship to this day, except that instead of sheep I have a lot of servers. Oh and I only worship myself ;-)

nut and shutdown timers

Network UPS Tools is a useful package for controlling UPSes with Linux servers – I recently moved to this package from apcupsd since it offers better integration with RHEL-style distributions.

Unfortunately the packages aren’t shipped with CentOS, so I’ve created some packages for it which can be downloaded from the Amberdms public repositories.

Most of the setup is pretty straightforwards (follow along with the online help) but the one issue that had me stuck was setting the time until shutdown, which would default to only two minutes – hardly enough for systems such as virtual machine servers.

Turns out this can only be adjusted by changing the settings on the UPS itself – in my case I was using an APC UPS.

You can get a listing with:

$ upsc YOURUPS

To change the timer (at least on APC BackUPS) you should run:

$ upsrw -u admin -p PASSWORD -s battery.runtime.low=SECONDS YOURUPS@localhost

The notes I read suggested that this should remain in the UPS settings, but in testing I found the value was reset – I suggest including the command in /etc/rc.local to ensure it gets run every boot time.

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

To start of the 30 days of me blogging challenge here is the day 01 post containing 15 (hopefully) interesting facts about me as well as a recent picture (or three since I’m bit of a camwhore).

1. I’m somewhat of a workaholic. Actually, that would be an understatement, I’m regularly doing 60 to 80 hour weeks and spending far too much time on a computer.

2. My family unit consists of myself, mum, dad and a younger brother. Dad is from the UK, don’t have much to do with that side of the family, and mum is from NZ. Tend to see mum’s parents semi-frequently, but outside of that I don’t associate with my extended family.

Like my dad always says, “Family stops at front door”. ;-) I just tend not to see a need to associate with them when I share no interests, just because they’re family.

3. I run a Wellington-based IT startup company called Amberdms, focusing on open source software and solutions. This means I get no sleep, work insane hours and am constantly hurrying around doing ten things at once.

4. I’m single. I’ve dated a bit and had a few flings, but never really formed a proper relationship with anyone. I recently started dating again to (somewhat) disastrous and/or amusing results depending on your point of view ;-)

5. According to my twitter followers, I’m known to be obsessed with cougars. In reality, I tend to subconsciously fancy older women, simply on the basis that we tend to interact and relate better.

My dating age range tends to be 18-30, lately I’ve been exploring the upper levels of that range and met some awesome ladies, although I think the age gap is a problem for some – I fear I may be cursed to be single until I’m in my 30s :-/

6. I’m younger than I look or behave – many people believe that I am around 25 but that’s a little off…

7. There are frequent debates about my sanity. In my defence, I’ve never been *proven* to be insane. I’d also like to point out that genius often borders on madness ;-) I might also mention I have a slight ego here…

8. I got into computers properly around intermediate school and was hooked on Linux within my first year of college (high-school for you American/international readers), starting off with Mandrake 6 and later moving to Red Hat 8 and onwards.

For a couple years I had my own Linux distribution (Jedo Linux) as a fun side project, which also taught me far too much about packaging, compiling and how a Linux operating system fits together.

9. I’m a born and bred Wellingtonian, although have been to a number of places in NZ and AU, mostly for business or conferences. Don’t have any particular plans to travel in the near future, I like it here and business somewhat ties me to Wellington.

10.  I’m a bitter, godless, atheist, I have very little time for religion – which will get me in trouble sometimes since I tend to open my mouth too much.

I think part of the problem is I can’t see any way someone could believe in religion and it really surprises me when I discover that someone I know has beliefs.

Having said that, I don’t really mind people who are religious for the right reasons (eg: caring about others, being good to people and having their own beliefs) rather than some religious believers who use it to try and silence or suppress things they dislike or try enforcing their beliefs via legislation or constant campaigning.

I’ve met some pretty amazing and caring people and cute couples who find that religion helps them, but I’m not sure it’s something I can ever understand.

11. Of course being a bitter godless atheist doesn’t mean I don’t have morals/ethics/beliefs – I’ve been lacto-octo vegetarian since 2008 and slowly moving towards veganism. This was slowly brought on by considering the fact that I’d never hurt a pet, yet was eating animals of equilivent intelligence, so I made the jump in 2008 and haven’t looked back.

I’m a pretty lazy cook, so I’m not exactly the most healthy vegetarian as you’ll quickly realise reading some of my posts/tweets. ;-)

I try to avoid being the whole “fanatical vegetarian” but I do have some pretty strong opinions about it and sometimes get into “vigorous debates” over the issue.

12. I flat with my friend Tom. Being a meat eater and opinionated, we tend to have interesting debates and philosophical discussions about just about everything anywhere.

13. I’m a strong believer in open source, my laptop runs Fedora Linux and running an almost entirely open source stack (there are a couple proprietary applications for work). Linux and open source has been a huge part of my life, both in getting me a job, but also as a way of making heaps of smart, fantastic friends and developing strong morals/beliefs about freedom, information, government and more. It’s probably one of the largest influences in my life.

14. At times I suffer from being somewhat egotistical and overly demanding with requests – something I’m trying to avoid.

15. I’m an infoholic – addicted to email, twitter and RSS feeds. I read almost every single message I ever get, which can take a bit too much time sometimes.

30 posts in 30 days challange

So one of the major motivations for upgrading my blog to WordPress is that I wanted to take part in the 30 posts in 30 days challange and get back into blogging, like I was in 2007/2008.

I’m not sure where this whole “30 days of me” originally came from, I’m going to blame @pebblesy entirely since I think she was the first person tweeting about it that made me take notice.

Since the start of the day, it’s taken off in storm and whole pile of my twitter and real-life friends have joined up for it and created blogs.

I figured I’d better join in all the fun (and I’m always up for getting involved in anything with large numbers of lovely ladies) so managed to find a couple hours and ported across most of the key data off my old blog to this one.

To give you an idea of the size of this, pebblesy created a page with other twitter users who are also taking part, the list is quite extensive:

The whole concept of the 30 days is to answer a different question or topic every day, the list that I’ve been floating around is:

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favourite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about blogging and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- What are your favourite songs [adjusted from ipod list]
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- Your favourite song.
Day 30- In this past month, what have you learned

It’s a somewhat different slant from my usual geekary, but if you only want purely geekary, you are always able to select the categories to limit what you get from this blog to just that. :-)

Anyway, it should be fun – I’ll be starting day one tomorrow. If you’re on twitter, following along the fun with the hash tag #30daysofme or you can follow a super RSS compilation feed that pebblesy made.

First post! (From android)

Trying out the wordpress application from Android, looks pretty nifty.

You can add pictures straight from the phone as well which is habdy, ill try to do a bit more blogging and less tweeting with this. :-)

Upgraded to WordPress

For a long time I’ve been asked “when are you getting an RSS feed” and “when is your blog getting updated?”.

I’ve been pretty busy and haven’t had the time to upgrade my custom built system dating back to 2006, so I’ve finally decided to make the jump to WordPress, since it’ll make the maintenance and upgrading of it so much easier in future.

I’m also aiming to start blogging a bit more frequently, beginning with the 30-days blogging challenge that started up on Twitter – more about this soon – as well as being able to blog from my smart phone whilst on the go. :-)

At this stage, some of the old content is still missing, as I am slowly importing and reformatting/fixing a lot of materials – if you want to access the old site for anything, you can still reach it at: