Technically the conference finished yesterday, however I went along to the open day event today to visit some of the stalls and people from the conference.
After re-grouping at the conference venue, we hit the town for lunch and then proceeded to bar hop our way back to the conference accommodation at Urbanest.

Hello Lisa! ;-) (pic by @chrisjrn)

Tall towers are tall! (pic by @chrisjrn)

OMG I'm outside! What on earth is wrong with me?!!? (pic by @chrisjrn)

Cross the Brisbane river with Josh whilst cringing at the sun (pic via @chrisjrn)

I like a firm grip on shafts (pic via @chrisjrn)

OMG it's flexibus!

Yay, new Fedora sticker for my laptop. #fanboysqueeeee

Lurking in Brisbane CBD

It's an Ibis!

Hello Brisbane!

Good lord it's hideous! (picture of @chrisjrn) ;-)

It's a bridge!

Geeks at the pub

Geeks getting drunk ;-)