October AU Travels Plans

I’ve been in a bit of a travelling mood lately – first a North Island roadtrip then snowboarding, next I’m off to visit Melbourne and Brisbane, two of my favourite cities .

I’ve visited both places a few times now, but keep getting drawn back, particularly to Melbourne it seems – going there again for the food and going back to Brisbane because I love the river and city so much.

I was tempted to visit Sydney again as well, but I couldn’t really fit it into the schedule – not sure about Sydney, I enjoyed my visit there, but not sure what living there long term would be like, especially compared to cities like Melbourne….

Unlike past trips, this time I’m taking @splatdevil – it’s going to be our first international holiday together and I get to introduce her to the awesomeness of both places. :-)


To help organise meetups with internationally located friends/readers/stalkers, here is the travel plan:

  • Oct 20 – 08:00 – arrival in Melbourne
  • Oct 22 – 13:00 – depart Melbourne for Brisbane, arrive around 14:00
  • Oct 24 – 16:00 – depart Brisbane for Wellington

That gives us around 2.5 days in each city – so if you’re around and want to catch up with Lisa and/or myself, please let me know when you’re available and I’ll schedule stuff in. :-)

We haven’t planned any specific activities yet, so please feel free to make suggestions/recommendations on things to see and do. :-)

4 thoughts on “October AU Travels Plans

    1. Jethro Carr Post author

      Congrats, you’ve volunteered to be my personal tourguide! ;-)

      We’ll need to make some plans, unsure if whether we’ll head down to Gold Coast at all, I suspect we’ll stay cityside, but if you want to come up for lunch or dinner on one of the days that would be awesome – and if you fancy a shop wandering trip, I’m sure Lisa would be keen to have another female to look at things with. :-)

  1. Joel

    Would love to catch up for coffee in Melbourne, however my 00011111st birthday falls on the 21st so that’ll probably be all I have time for :-)

    1. Jethro Carr Post author

      hehe, happy birthday. :-)

      We could always do coffee before you get too hungover with celebrations on the 20th. :-)


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