
In a couple days I’ll be flying out to Melbourne, Australia for 2012, the undisputed greatest week of the year, being held in Ballarat.

I’ve been attending this conference since 2006 in Dunedin and it’s continued to be an amazing eye opener in the world of technology, open source and amazing people – considering when I first attended the conference, straight out of high-school being the only person out of 500+ students interested in technology, to finding that there are hundreds of even more hard core geeks that me, was totally amazing.

I’ll be doing a bit of tripping around like I did last year (see category – this time I’ll be spending 2 days before the conference doing a road trip with my mate Chris, followed by another 2 days after the conference where I stay in the Melbourne CBD forĀ  exploring the city in more detail.

Key dates:

  • 14th Jan – Early morning flight from Auckland to Melbourne, Roadtrip with Chris
  • 15th Jan – Roadtrip with Chris, arriving in Ballarat in the afternoon.
  • 16th Jan – Start of :-D
  • 20th Jan – End of :'(
  • 21st Jan – Melbourne CBD Adventures
  • 22nd Jan – Melbourne CBD Adventures
  • 23rd Jan – Melbourne CBD Adventures, afternoon flight back to Auckland.

If you’re in Melbourne and want to catch up, let me know via email, twitter or XMPP and I’ll be keen for coffee/beer/seedybar. :-)

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