Sea Shepherd in Wellington

Whilst wandering along Wellington harbor this week I came across the MY Bob Barker berthed, one of the things I love about Wellington is finding random bits of awesomeness like that.

This is actually the second Sea Shepherd ship I’ve seen IRL, in early 2010 they had the MY Steve Irwin in Wellington and I managed to get some pictures of that then too.

Sea Shepherd is an interesting organization with a background showing that they aren’t afraid to take more extreme actions than just protesting, with past history including ramming whaling ships and contributing towards the sinking of several – reading the fleet history gives a good idea of some of their past exploits.

I can’t stand whalers, they’re ignorantly and blatently killing  extremely intelligent creatures and in the case of Japan, they don’t even have the courage to call the hunt and slaughter what it is, instead calling it “research” and miss-using loopholes in multinational treaties.

The politicians, companies and people involved in whale hunting do nothing but bring shame and condemnation on their countries and deserve to end up on the bottom of the ocean, the sooner the better.

3 thoughts on “Sea Shepherd in Wellington

  1. Jethro Carr Post author

    I love the new paint job Sea Shepherd has done with the Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin, my earlier 2010 pictures shows the plain black paint job and it’s nowhere near as cool looking as the paint job they did in 2011.

  2. Kes

    Hey Jethro! I love the Sea Shepherd pics!

    I’m sad you’re leaving Twitter, but I completely understand your reasons. I’ve taken a step back from it too. I’m glad you are more relaxed and productive. All the best, my friend.

    I’ll be keeping up with your blog. Send me an email sometime!

    1. Jethro Carr Post author

      Thanks Kes, will miss talking with people like yourself on Twitter – you were one of my earliest followers! I think that @Wordy_Anansi was my first non-IRL friend follower and then I followed you since you were “that hot chick that Sarai talks with”.

      I’m hopeful that a few more people might take the opportunity to take up blogging a bit more and post maybe a few more detailed/meaningful posts rather than only relying on twitter.

      Sadly Tumblr doesn’t really cut it, you can’t comment on stuff easily and doesn’t work for larger posts, so whilst a few friends use Tumblr a lot, I can only really passively read instead of engage.

      My goal is to try and keep up frequent contact with people and maybe manage a smaller set of regular contacts but with more meaningful engagement.


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