In Welly for Kiwicon

kiwiconI’ll be in Wellington for Kiwicon from Fri 8th to Tue 12th. If you’re coming to the conference, track me down and we’ll catch up there. If you’re not at the conference, I’ll be around town, so just drop me a message and I’ll be keen to say hi. :-)

6 thoughts on “In Welly for Kiwicon

      1. Allen Han

        Sheep-mens’ cocktail party supports alcapas strongly…

        Not sure what kind of code that is….

        1. Allen Han

          Cancel that..

          Sheep-mens’ cocktail supports alcapas strongly…

          is more accurate

          1. Jethro Carr Post author

            I wonder whether it was intentional that way, or just badly translated by the organisers. :-/

          2. Jethro Carr Post author

            Its supposed to be “Sheep people’s cocktail conference strongly supports grass mud horses”

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