2023-2024 Tiny Update

Unlike the last mega update there’s not a heap to report over the past couple of years. Not even anything significant taking place on the house. Whilst the bathroom is due a renovation, we’ve been kicking the can for a while on that, will probably look to get it sorted this year, so expect an update in …. 2025-2026 year post?

Whilst a lot of my time has been focused on work lately, I’ve started doing some cycling videos and vlogs, you can find these on Youtube, or short form on Insta and TikTok. My goal for 2025 is to keep to some sort of semi regular cadence going so like & subscribe on those channels to stay in the loop.

Oh , and incase you’re wondering, my ebike from 2018 that got me into cycling in the first case? Whilst it’s not my main bicycle of choice these days, it’s still going strong and can squeeze out 50km still on a full charge.

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