Category Archives: Uncategorized

Process Monitor for Windows

From time to time I’m dragged into the murky world of Microsoft to debug a problem a customer is having, or to setup the occasional small business server.

My Windows skills are passable, but certainly nowhere near as good as my Linux capabilities – simple stuff like doing an strace on linux becomes a “ummmmm how?” on Windows.

Recently had an issue with an old Windows application refusing to launch on Windows Server 2008 due to a missing DLL file – found a very handy application published by Microsoft that works on XP SP2+ called “Process Monitor”.

It shows all calls being made by programs including what DLLs are being called and what registry values are being queried, along with the response from all these calls.

In my case, I was able to see what DLL file the problem was requesting and seeing that the OS was returning a NOT FOUND response – installed the require library, and fixed. :-)

Download from:


Busy Buffer Overflow

It’s an insanely busy month – I’m up in Auckland again for a few days, before heading back to Wellington, then off to Melbourne & Brisbane for a few days, before returning to Wellington, then Auckland for a few days, then Wellington, then drive to Auckland and speed a week there, before returning to Wellington for a weekend….. as you can see, too much going on!

Really sick of hotels ATM, have spent 2+ weeks in different Auckland North Shore motels in the past week and none of them can seem to tick all the boxes – bad showers, bad beds, bad living space, over all just pretty disappointing.

Will be great once we’ve settled – Lisa will be moving into the new flat on the 26th and I’ll be following shortly on the 30th, I’m sure it will make us both feel a lot better – the inability to truly relax currently is getting very annoying.

Anyway, time to sleep, prob catch up on blogging in early/mid November!

LCA2011: Day 07

OK, technically there is no LCA day 07, but seeing as it was the last day in Brisbane I figured I could get away with it, without needing to create a separate heading. ;-)

Firstly, I found an awesome pic of me by Andrew McMillian aka Karora on Flickr which clearly demonstrates my need for a haircut:

Me at the Professional Delegates Networking Session (pic by karora)

I spent the morning catching up on sleep and then after packing, I headed into Brisbane Times Square to attend a Fedora meeting at the library.

After that, I headed back to Urbanest by walking from the library, across a bridge and then along southbank back to the accommodation.

Hai Gais! (pic by @chrisjrn on a very awesome high quality lens)

Photoshop the bottle & caption if you dare ;-) (pic via @chrisjrn)

I then caught the AirTrain with @chrisjrn and another guy to the Brisbane Airport – I have to say, I love the AirTrain – it’s fast, easy, comfortable and cheap to get to/from the airport or any station along the gold coast.

I'm on a train!!! (pic by @chrisjrn)

Fast train is fast!

Travelling in style!

Brisbane Airport is pretty decent, didn’t take long to get through security, although I got explosive tested *again* which I find somewhat amusing, since they test for explosives far more often than drugs and I’d bet good money as to which one 20-something European males typically carry….

Flight was delayed a little, but made it to Melbourne with 30mins to spare to connect to the Melbourne-Hobart flight.

One oddity from arriving in Hobart was the way they advertise their seal touristy things:

Baggage seal watches you get security scanned!