I’m Jethro Carr, open source geek, and this is how I work

Lifehacker regularly features a segment where they interview famous people and ask them how they work. Rather than waiting for the e-mail that would never come has yet to come, my friend Jack Scott decided to answer this set of questions on his own last week,then tapped my other friend Chris Neugebauer who then tapped me to answer them after him.

Why hello there.

Hello Good Sir/Madam, care to converse?

Location: Sydney, Australia. But my heart is still home in Wellington, New Zealand.

Current Gig: Senior Systems Engineer at Fairfax Media Australia. I’m part of a small team that looks after all of their AU websites (SMH, TheAge, Domain, RSVP, etc), responsible for building and managing the server infrastructure from hypervisor to application.

Current Mobile Device: Google/Samsung Galaxy Nexus Android phone. I have a love-hate relationship with how it enables me to be hyper-connected all the time.

Current Computer: At work I use an under-speced Lenovo X1 Carbon with Ubuntu Linux. In personal life it’s more interesting, with an aging 2010-era Lenovo Thinkpad X201i upgraded to 512GB SSD that still has it thrashing current market offerings, a 1U IBM xSeries 306m server for production websites and a large custom-built full tower server for files and dev VMs. I run a mixture of Debian and CentOS GNU/Linux distributions mostly. I did a post a while back on my setup here.

One word that best describes how you work: Hard

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without? Apps come and go over time… fundamentally for me my killer app is a GNU/Linux operating system with all the wonderful open source tools that it packs in. I’ve tried using both Windows and MacOS over the years, but have found that I’m always more productive with a GNU/Linux machine with many thousands of apps and tools just an apt-get install or yum install away.

What’s your workplace like? My “work” workplace is a pretty standard office, Fairfax has kitted it out with somewhat decent chairs and 27″ LCDs to hotdesk in. My home workspace these days is sadly just a couch or an unstable dining table. It’s very suboptimal, but as I’m only spending a limited time in AU and didn’t want to buy lots of stuff, I make do. My ideal setup looks more like what I had back in Auckland.

What’s your best time-saving trick/life hack?  Make the effort to do things right the first time. Seriously, sloppy work, designs or documentation leads to huge time losses whilst working around issues or having to fix them at a later time.

What’s your favourite to-do list manager? For work life, it’s JIRA. We use it heavily at Fairfax and I assign all my priorities different tickets, it makes delegating tasks to other team members or splitting big bits of work into easily manageable chunks possible.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without?  Besides my computer?? The only gadget I care about strongly is my laptop, everything else is just “stuff” that I could take or leave. I’m pretty minimalist these days, could list all my gadgets on one hand.

What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else? What’s your secret?
Solving complex issues. I can take any problem and quickly determine the issue, the possible fixes and test and implement these. It’s not specific to IT, I’m good in a crisis and can solve issues quickly IRL as well. It comes naturally to me and it’s one of the things that allows me to be very effective in my job.

What do you listen to while you work? I don’t tend to listen so much whilst at work, but I certainly do when relaxing on personal projects. I have a wide range of tastes, my often played includes bands such as Kraftwork, Genesis, Nightwish, Eluvite, Ensiferum, Adele, The Killers, Meat Loaf, Mumford and Sons, Marillion, Muse, Rammstein, Tangerine Dream and many others that are far apart in genre.

What are you currently reading? Fairfax: The Rise And Fall. Lisa picked it up recently and it’s interesting reading a bit of the background behind the company I currently work for.

Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? An extroverted introvert. :-) I’m certainly an introvert in that I prefer small groups of close friends and staying in over going out, but at the same time I get on well with people and can happily go out and make friends without too much trouble.

What’s your sleep routine like? What’s sleep? I tend to go to sleep around 00:00-01:00 and get up at 07:30-08:00. It’s not the best, but there’s always so much to do in one day!

Fill in the blank. I’d love to see _____ answer these same questions. I’ve got many people in mind, but they tend not to have blogs. :-( So I’m going with Hamzah Khan, he has a pretty cool blog and I’m envious of his network racks. But I invite anyone else reading this to join in as well, don’t wait for an invite. :-)

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Invest in good tools. Whether it’s software or a hammer, either way bad tools will cause you pain, lost time, wasted money and endless frustration.

Is there anything else you want to add for readers? If you don’t currently blog, please do! It’s a fulfilling activity and I love reading blogs by my friends rather than throwaway 140char one liners and so many of you whom don’t blog have such interesting content that you could put up.

Enterprise or Consumer Spinning Rust Platters?

IMG_20120704_203427I recently wrote about bad hard disks being responsible for impacting array performance negatively after having some consumer grade disks fail in a fashion that impacted performance, but didn’t result in the disk being marked as bad.

Since then I’ve been doing more research into the differences between consumer and enterprise disks after noting that consumer SATA disks appear to be more susceptible to this sort of performance degrading failure behaviour than enterprise disks which fail cleaner/faster, but also have a much higher purchase cost.

Consumer disks are built with the exception that they’ll be running standalone in a desktop computer where spending a few seconds remapping some bad sectors or running healing procedures is better than data loss. But this messes with the performance when in RAID arrays and leads to drives with poor latency or drives that try to keep correcting and hiding failing sectors from the array controller.

Enterprise SATA disks are mostly the same from a hardware perspective, however they have a different firmware load designed with the assumption that the disk is part of a RAID array. If an enterprise disk has a failure, it should die quickly and cleanly so that the RAID array can then handle the process of repairing – after all, the array has parity information and can rebuild a new disk, it doesn’t need a failing disk to try and rescue itself.

I did some digging on the technical differences between enterprise and consumer disks – the information can be tricky to find with so many people making blind recommendations for either option based on anecdotal evidence and hearsay – but I did manage to dig up some useful articles on the subject:

When I built my file server a couple years ago, I purchased 8x standard consumer grade Seagate 7200.12 disks and 2x enterprise grade Seagate ES disks as a small test to see if the enterprise drives prove themselves more reliable than the general consumer grade disks.

Since doing this, I’ve had a few disks fail, including one enterprise grade disk. The only noticeable difference I’ve found is that the enterprise disk died much more cleanly, failing completely, whereas the consumer disks lingered on a bit longer messing things up with weird latency issues, or failed sectors that subsequently re-mapped.

Personally I’ll continue to use consumer grade disks for my systems – I keep a pretty close eye on my system so can manually toss any badly performing consumer disks out of the array and I’m also using Linux MD software RAID which is much more tolerant of sluggish consumer grade disks than a hardware RAID controller. Additionally, Linux software RAID is far easier to manage and just as fast as a budget level hardware RAID controller.

However if working with a business server with a high quality RAID controller with onboard battery-backed memory cache, I would certainly spend the extra few dollars for enterprise grade disks. Not only for the RAID advantages, but also because having the enterprise grade disks fail quick and obviously will make them more cost effective long term by reducing the amount of time that employees spend debugging poorly performing systems.


I recently did a talk at one of the regular Fairfax “Brown Bag” lunches about tools used by the operations team and how developers can use these tools to debug some of their systems and issues.

It won’t be anything mind blowing for experienced *nix users, but it will be of interest to less experienced engineers or developers who don’t venture into server land too often.

If you’re interested, my colleague and I are both featured on the YouTube video below – my block starts at 14:00, but my colleague’s talk about R at the start may also be of interest.

Additionally, Fairfax AU has also started blogging and publishing other videos and talk like this, as well as blog posts from other people around the technology business (developers, operations, managers, etc) to try and showcase a bit more about what goes on behind the scenes in our organisation.

You can follow the Fairfax Engineering blog at engineering.fairfaxmedia.com.au or on Twitter at @FairfaxEng.

Exposing name servers with Puppet Facts

Carrying on from the last post, I needed a good reliable way to point my Nginx configuration at a DNS server to use for resolving backends. The issue is that I wanted my Puppet module to be portable across various environments, some which block outbound DNS traffic to external services and others where the networks may be redefined on a frequent basis and maintaining an accurate list of all the name servers would be difficult (eg the cloud).

I could have used dnsmasq to setup a localhost resolver, but when it comes to operational servers, simplicity is key – having yet another daemon that could crash or cause problems is never desirable if there’s a simpler way to solve the issue.

Instead I used Facter (sic), Puppet’s tool for exposing values pulled from the system into variables that can be used in your Puppet manifests or templates. The following custom fact is included in my Puppet module and is run before any configuration is applied to the host running my Nginx configuration:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Returns a string with all the IPs of all configured nameservers on
# the server. Useful for including into applications such as Nginx.
# I live in mymodulenamehere/lib/facter/nameserver_list.rb

Facter.add("nameserver_list") do
    setcode do
      nameserver = false

      # Find all the nameserver values in /etc/resolv.conf
      File.open("/etc/resolv.conf", "r").each_line do |line|
        if line =~ /^nameserver\s*(\S*)/
          if nameserver
            nameserver = nameserver + " " + $1
            nameserver = $1

      # If we can't get any result (bad host config?) default to a
      # public DNS server that is likely to be reachable.
      unless nameserver
        nameserver = ''


On a system with a typically configured /etc/resolv.conf file such as:

search example.com

The fact will expose the nameservers in a space-delineated string such as:

# facter -p | grep 'nameserver_list'
nameserver_list =>

I can then use the Fact inside my Puppet templates for Nginx to configure the resolver:

server {
    resolver <%= @nameserver_list %>;
    resolver_timeout 1s;

This works pretty well, but there are a couple things to watch out for:

  1. If the Fact fails to execute at all, your configuration will be broken. Having said that, it’s a very simple Fact and there’s not a lot that really could fail (eg no dependencies on other apps/non-standard resources).
  2. Linux hosts resolve DNS using the nameservers specified in the order in /etc/resolv.conf. If one fails, they move on and try the next. However Nginx differs, and just uses the list of provides nameservers in round-robin fashion. This is fine if your nameservers are all equals, but if some are more latent or less reliable than others, it could cause slight delays.
  3. You want to drop the resolver_timeout to 1 second, to ensure a failing nameserver doesn’t hold up re-resolution of DNS for too long. Remember that this re-resolution should only occur when the TTL of the DNS records for the backend has expired, so even if one DNS server is bad, it should have almost no impact to performance for your requests.
  4. Nginx isn’t going to pickup stuff in /etc/hosts using these resolvers. This should be common sense, but thought I better put that out there just-in-case.
  5. This Ruby could be better, but I’m not a dev and hacked it up in 15mins. The regex should probably also be improved to handle some of the more exotic /etc/resolv.confs that I’m sure people manage to write.

Nginx, reverse proxies and DNS resolution

Nginx is a pretty awesome high performance web server and reverse proxy. It’s often used in conjunction with other HTTP servers such as Java/Tomcat and Ruby/Unicorn, as it allows static content to be served directly from disk by Nginx and for connections from slow clients to be queued and buffered by Nginx, rather than taking up time of the expensive/scarce application server worker processes.


A typical Nginx reverse proxy configuration to a single backend using proxy_pass to a local HTTP server application on port 8080 would look something like this:

server {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080

Another popular approach is having a defined upstream group (which can be used for multiple servers, or a single one if desired), for example:

upstream upstream-localhost {
    server localhost:8080;

server {
    proxy_pass http://upstream-localhost;

Generally this configuration works fine for most of our use cases – we typically have a 1-to-1 mapping between a backend application server and Nginx, so the configuration is very simple and reliable – any issues are usually with the backend application, rather than Nginx itself.


However on occasion there are times when it’s desirable to have Nginx talking to a backend on another server.

I recently implemented an OAuth2 gateway using Nginx-Lua, with the Nginx gateway doing the OAuth2 authentication in a small Lua module before passing the request through to the backend application. This configuration ran on a pair of bastion servers, which reverse proxy the request through to an Amazon ELB which load balances a number of application servers.

This works perfectly 95% of the time, but Amazon ELBs (even internal) have a tendency to change their IP addresses. Normally this doesn’t matter, since you never reference ELBs via their IP address and use their DNS name instead, but the default behaviour of the Nginx upstream and proxy modules is to resolve DNS at startup, but not to re-resolve DNS during the operation of the application.

This leads to a situation where the Amazon ELB IP address changes, Amazon update the DNS record, but Nginx never re-resolves the DNS record and stays pointing at the old IP address. Subsequently requests to the backend start failing once Amazon drops services from the old IP address.

This lack of re-resolution of backends is a known limitation/issue with Nginx. Thankfully there is a workaround to force Nginx to re-resolve addresses, as per this mailing list post by setting proxy_pass to a variable, which then forces re-resolution of the DNS names as Nginx treats variables differently to static configuration.

server {
    set $backend_upstream "http://dynamic.example.com:80";
    proxy_pass $backend_upstream;


A resolver (DNS server address) also needs to be configured. When using parametrised backends, a resolver must be configured in Nginx (it is unable to use the local OS resolver) and must point directly to a name server IP address.

If your name servers aren’t predictable, you could install something like dnsmasq to provide a local resolver on which then forwards to the dynamically assigned name server, or take the approach of pulling the name server details from the host using something like Puppet Facts and then writing it into the configuration file when it’s generated on the host.

Nginx >= 1.1.9 will re-resolve DNS records based on their TTL, but it’s possible to override this with any value desired. To verify correct behaviour, tcpdump will quickly show whether re-resolution is working.

# tcpdump -i eth0 port 53
15:26:00.338503 IP nginx.example.com.53933 > 15459+ A? dynamic.example.com. (54)
15:26:00.342765 IP > nginx.example.com.53933: 15459 1/0/0 A (70)
15:26:52.958614 IP nginx.example.com.48673 > 63771+ A? dynamic.example.com. (54)
15:26:52.959142 IP > nginx.example.com.48673: 63771 1/0/0 A (70)

It’s a bit of an annoyance in an otherwise fantastic application, but as long as you are aware of the limitation, it is not too difficult to resolve the issue by a bit of configuration adjustment.

Varnish DoS vulnerability

The Varnish developers have recently announced a DoS vulnerability in Varnish (CVE-2013-4484) , if you’re using Varnish in your environment make sure you adjust your configurations to fix the vulnerability if you haven’t already.

In a test of our environment, we found many systems were protected by a default catch-all vcl_error already, but there were certainly systems that suffered. It’s a very easy issue to check for and reproduce:

# telnet failserver1 80
Connected to failserver1.example.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
Host: foo
Connection closed by foreign host.

You will see the Varnish child dying in the system logs at the time:

Oct 31 14:11:51 failserver1 varnishd[1711]: Child (1712) died signal=6
Oct 31 14:11:51 failserver1 varnishd[1711]: child (2433) Started
Oct 31 14:11:51 failserver1 varnishd[1711]: Child (2433) said Child starts

Make sure you go and apply the fix now, upstream advise applying a particular configuration change and haven’t released a code fix yet, so distributions are unlikely to be releasing an updated package to fix this for you any time soon.

SPF with SpamAssassin

I’ve been using SpamAssassin for years, it’s a fantastic open source anti-spam tool and plugs easily into *nix operating system mail transport agents such as Sendmail and Postfix.

To stop sender address forgery, where spammers email using my domain to email either myself, or others entities, I configured SPF records for my domain some time ago. The SPF records tell other mail servers which systems are really mine, vs which ones are frauds trying to send spam pretending to be me.

SpamAssassin has a plugin that makes use of these SPF records to score incoming mail – by having strict SPF records for my domain and turning on SpamAssassin’s validation, it ensures that any spam I receive pretending to be from my domain will be blocked, as well as anyone trying to spam under the name of other domains with SPF enabled will also be blocked.

Using SpamAssassin’s scoring offers some protection against false positives – if an organisation missconfigures their mail server so that their SPF record fails, but all the other details in the email are OK, the email may still be delivered, if the content looks like ham, comes from a properly configured server, etc, even if the SPF is incorrect – generally a couple different checks need to fail in order for emails to be blacklisted.

To turn this on, you just need to ensure your SpamAssassin configuration is set to load the SPF plugin:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF

You *also* need the Perl modules Mail::SPF or Mail::SPF::Query installed – without these, SpamAssassin will silently avoid doing SPF validations and you’ll be left wondering why you’re still getting silly spam.

On CentOS/RHEL, these Perl modules are available in EPEL and you can install both with:

yum install perl-Mail-SPF perl-Mail-SPF-Query

To check if SPF validation is taking place, check the mailserver logs or the X-Spam-Status email header for SPF_PASS (or maybe SPF_FAIL!), this proves the module is loaded and running correctly.

X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.9 required=3.5 tests=AWL,BAYES_00,SPF_PASS,
 T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD autolearn=ham version=3.3.1

Finally sit back and enjoy the quieter, spam-free(ish) inbox :-)

Puppet CRL Time Errors

Puppet is much loved for it’s clear meaningful messages when something goes wrong, made even more delightful when you combine it with the lovely error messages thrown out by OpenSSL.

Warning: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server
certificate B: certificate verify failed: [CRL is not yet valid for

This error indicates that the certificate is failing to validate since the clock between the node and the puppet master differs. In my case, the clock on the node was far behind the master due to a VirtualBox clock drift issue.

In this case, it was a simple case of re-syncing the clock to resolve the issue. However if the master had been generating certs with the clock far in the future, I would have needed to re-generate my node certificates entirely as the certs would also be incorrect.

Retro mode, engage!

Most followers of this blog will be following updates via RSS readers or automated Twitter postings, however I’ve had some requests to also offer email subscriptions for people who don’t make use of RSS readers or Twitter.

I’ve chucked up a receive-only Mailman mailing list which takes the RSS feed and sends out simple HTML emails when new posts are created, allowing you to read entirely in your mail client, or follow the link to the post itself.

Just click the “Mailing List” icon in the right-side column and enter your email address to receive updates.

Pick your poison

Pick your poison

I chose Mailman for this list since it handles bounce and membership handling very nicely, certainly better than a dodgy WordPress plugin is going to be able to do.