Easy Lockscreen MacOS

Whilst MacOS is a pretty polished experience, there’s some really simple things that are stupidly hard sometimes such as getting the keybindings to work right for real keyboards or in this case, getting the screen to be lockable without sleeping the computer.

No matter what configuration I set in power management, the only MacOS keyboard combination that does anything for me (Command + Option + Eject/Power/F12) will not only put up the lock screen, but also immediately sleeps the computer, much to the dismay of any background network connections or audio.

One of the issues with MacOS is that for any issue there are several dubious software vendors offering you an app that “fixes” the issue with quality ranging from some excellent utilities all the way to outright dodgy Android/Windows-style crapware addons.

None of these look particularly good. Who the hell wants Android-style swipe unlock on a Mac??

None of these look particularly good. Who the hell wants Android-style swipe unlock on a Mac??

Naturally I’m not keen for some crappy third party app to do something as key as locking my workstation so went looking for the underlying way the screen gets locked. From my trawling I found that the following command executed as a normal user will trigger a sleep of the display, but not the whole machine:

pmset displaysleepnow

Turns out getting MacOS to execute some line of shell is disturbingly easy by using the Automator tool (Available in Applications -> Utilities) and creating a new Service.

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 23.47.59

Then add the Run Shell Script action from the Library of actions like below:

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 23.47.00

Save it with a logical name like “Lock Screen”. It gets saved into ~/Library/Services/ so in theory should be possible to easily copy it to other machines.

Once saved, your new service will become available to you in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts and will offer you the ability to set a keyboard shortcut.

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 23.50.37

And magic, it works. Command + Shift + L is a lot easier in my books than hot corners or clicking stupid menu items. Sadly you don’t have full flexibility of any key, but you should be able to get something that works for you.


For reference, here are my other settings windows. First the power management (Energy Saver) settings. I select “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically” to avoid any surprises when sleeping.

Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 00.14.29

And secondly, your Security & Privacy settings should require a password after sleep/screen saver:

Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 00.12.07


Tested on MacOS 10.10 Yosemite with pretty much a stock OS installation on an iMac 5k – I wouldn’t expect any variation by hardware, but YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).

Setting up and using Pupistry

As mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been working on an application called Pupistry to help make masterless Puppet deployments a lot easier.

If you’re new to Pupistry, AWS, Git and Puppet, I’ve put together this short walk through on how to set up the S3 bucket (and IAM users), the Pupistry application, the Git repo for your Puppet code and building your first server using Pupistry’s bootstrap feature.

If you’re already an established power user of AWS, Git and Puppet, this might still be useful to flick through to see how Pupistry fits into the ecosystem, but a lot of this will be standard stuff for you. More technical details can be found on the application README.

Note that this guide is for Linux or MacOS users. I have no idea how you do this stuff on a Windows machine that lacks a standard unix shell.


1. Installation

Firstly we  need to install Pupistry on your computer. As a Ruby application, Pupistry is packaged as a handy Ruby gem and can be installed in the usual fashion.

sudo gem install pupistry
pupistry setup

01-installThe gem installs the application and any dependencies. We run `pupistry setup` in order to generate a template configuration file, but we will still need to edit it with specific settings. We’ll come back to that.

You’ll also need Puppet available on your computer to build the Pupistry artifacts. Install via the OS package manager, or with:

sudo gem install puppet


2. Setting up AWS S3 bucket & IAM accounts

We need to use an S3 bucket and IAM accounts with Pupistry. The S3 bucket is essentially a cloud-based object store/file server and the IAM accounts are logins that have tight permissions controls.

It’s a common mistake for new AWS users to use the root IAM account details for everything they do, but given that the IAM details will be present on all your servers, you probably want to have specialised accounts purely for Pupistry.

Firstly, make sure you have a functional installation of  the AWS CLI (the modern python one, not the outdated Java one). Amazon have detailed documentation on how to set it up for various platforms, refer to that for information.

Now you need to create:

  1. An S3 bucket. S3 buckets are like domain names -they have a global namespace across *all* AWS accounts. That means someone might already have a bucket name that you want to use, so you’ll need to choose something unique… and hope.
  2. An IAM account for read-only access which will be used by the servers running Pupistry.
  3. An IAM account for read-write access for your workstation to make changes.

To save you doing this all manually, Pupistry includes a CloudFormation template, which is basically a defined set of instructions for AWS to execute to build infrastructure, in our case, it will do all the above steps for you. :-)

Because of the need for a globally unique name, please replace “unique” with something unique to you.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jethrocarr/pupistry/master/resources/aws/cfn_pupistry_bucket_and_iam.template

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--template-body file://cfn_pupistry_bucket_and_iam.template \
--stack-name pupistry-resources-unique

Once the create-stack command is issued, you can poll the status of the stack, you need it to be in “CREATE_COMPLETE” state before you can continue.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query "Stacks[*].StackStatus" --stack-name pupistry-resources-unique



If something goes wrong and your stack status is an error eg “ROLLBACK”, the most likely cause is that you chose a non-unique bucket name. If you want easy debugging, login to the AWS web console and look at the event details of your stack. Once you determine and address the problem, you’ll need to delete & re-create the stack again.


AWS’s web UI can make debugging CFN a bit easier to read than the CLI tools thanks to colour coding and it not all being in horrible JSON.


Once you have a CREATE_COMPLETE stack, you can then get the stack outputs, which tell you what has been built. These outputs we then pretty much copy & paste into pupistry’s configuration file.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query "Stacks[*].Outputs[*]" --stack-name pupistry-resources-unique


Incase you’re wondering – yes, I have changed the above keys & secrets since doing this demo!! Never share your access and secret keys and it’s best to avoid committing them to any repo, even if private.

Save the output, you’ll need the details shortly when we configure Pupistry.


3. Setup your Puppetcode git repository

Optional: You can skip this step if you simply want to try Pupistry using the sample repo, but you’ll have to come back and do this step if you want to make changes to the example manifests.

We use the r10k workflow with Pupistry, which means you’ll need at least one Git repository called the Control Repo.

You’ll probably end up adding many more Git repositories as you grow your Puppet manifests, more information about how the r10rk workflow functions can be found here.

To make life easy, there is a sample repo to go with Pupistry that is a ready-to-go Control Repo for r10k, complete with Puppetfile defining what additional modules to pull in, a manifests/site.pp defining a basic example system and base Hiera configuration.

You can use any Git service, however for this walkthrough, we’ll use Bitbucket since it’s free to setup any number of private repos as their pricing model is on the number of people in a team and is free for under 5 people.

Github’s model of charging per-repo makes the r10k puppet workflow prohibitively expensive, since we need heaps of tiny repos, rather than a few large repos. Which is a shame, since Github has some nice features.

Head to https://bitbucket.org/ and create an account if you don’t already have one. We can use their handy import feature to make a copy of the sample public repo.

Select “Create Repository” and then click the “Import” in the top right corner of the window.


Now you just need to select “GitHub” as a source with the URL of https://github.com/jethrocarr/pupistry-samplepuppet.git and select a name for your new repo:


Once the import completes, it will look a bit like this:


The only computers that need to be able to access this repository is your workstation. The servers themselves never use any of the Git repos, since Pupistry packages up everything it needs into the artifact files.

Finally, if you’re new to Bitbucket, you probably want to import their key into your known hosts file, so Pupistry doesn’t throw errors trying to check out the repo:

ssh-keyscan bitbucket.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts


4. Configuring Pupistry

At this point we have the AWS S3 bucket, IAM accounts and the Git repo for our control repo in Bitbucket. We can now write the Pupistry configuration file and get started with the tool!

Open ~/.pupistry/settings.yaml with your preferred text editor:

vim ~/.pupistry/settings.yaml


There are three main sections to configure in the file:

  1. General – We need to define the S3 bucket here. (For our walk though, we are leaving GPG signing disabled, it’s not mandatory and GPG is beyond the scope for this walkthrough):10-config-general
  2. Agent – These settings impact the servers that will be running Pupistry, but you need to set them on your workstation since Pupistry will test them for you and pre-seed the bootstrap data with the settings:11-config-agent
  3. Build – The settings that are used on your workstation to generate artifacts. If you create your own repository in Bitbucket, you need to change the puppetcode variable to the location of your data. If you skipped that step, just leave it on the default sample repo for testing purposes.12-config-use-bitbucket

Make sure you set BOTH the agent and the build section access_key_id and secret_access_key using the output from the CloudFormation build in step 2.


5. Building an artifact with Pupistry

Now we have our AWS resources, our control repository and our configuration – we can finally use Pupistry and build some servers!

pupistry build


Since this our first artifact, there won’t be much use to running diff, however as part of diff Pupistry will verify your agent AWS credentials are correct, so it’s worth doing.

pupistry diff


We can now push our newly built artifact to S3 with:

pupistry push


In regards to the GPG warning – Pupistry interacts with AWS via secure transport and the S3 bucket can only be accessed via authorised accounts, however the weakness is that if someone does manage to break into your account (because you stuck your AWS IAM credentials all over a blog post like a muppet), an attacker could replace the artifacts with malicious ones and exploit your servers.

If you do enable GPG, this becomes impossible, since only signed artifacts will be downloaded and executed by your servers – an invalid artifact will be refused. So it’s a good added security benefit and doesn’t require any special setup other than getting GPG onto your workstation and setting the ID of the private key in the Pupistry configuration file.

We’ve now got a valid artifact. The next step is building our first server with Pupistry!


6. Building a server with Pupistry

Because having to install Pupistry and configure it on every server you ever want to build wouldn’t be a lot of fun manually, Pupistry automates this for you and can generate bootstrap scripts for most popular platforms.

These scripts can be run as part of user data on most cloud providers including AWS and Digital Ocean, as well as cut & paste into the root shell of any running server, whether physical, virtual or cloud-based.

The bootstrap process works by:

  1. Using the default OS tools to download and install Pupistry
  2. Write Pupistry’s configuration file and optionally install the GPG public key to verify against.
  3. Runs Pupistry.
  4. Pupistry then pulls down the latest artifact and executes the Puppetcode.
  5. In the case of the sample repo, the Puppetcode includes the puppet-pupistry module. This modules does some clever stuff like setting up a pluginsync equalivent for master-less Puppet and installs a system service for the Pupistry daemon to keep it running in the background – just like the normal Puppet agent! This companion module is strongly recommended for all users.

You can get a list of supported platforms for bootstrap mode with:

pupistry bootstrap

Once you decide which one you’d like to install, you can do:

pupistry bootstrap --template NAME


Pupistry cleverly fills in all the IAM account details and seeds the configuration file based on the settings defined on your workstation. If you want to change behaviours like disabling the daemon, change it in your build host config file and it will be reflected in the bootstrap file.


To test Pupistry you can use any server you want, but this walkthrough shows an example using Digital Ocean which is a very low cost cloud compute provider with a slick interface and much easier learning curve than AWS. You can sign up and use them here, shamelessly clicking on my referrer link so my hosting bill gets paid – but also get yourself $10 credit in the process. Sweetas bru!

Once you have setup/logged into your DigitalOcean account, you need to create a new droplet (their terminology for a VM – AWS uses “EC2 Instance”). It can be named anything you want and any size you want, although this walkthrough is tight and suggests the cheapest example :-)



Now it is possible to just boot the Digital Ocean droplet and then cut & paste the bootstrap script into the running machine, but like most cloud providers Digital Ocean supports a feature called User Data, where a script can be pasted to have it execute when the machine starts up.


AWS users can get their user data in base64 version as well by calling pupistry bootstrap with the –base64 parameter – handy if you want to copy & paste the user data into other files like CloudFormation stacks. Digital Ocean just takes it in plain text like above.

Make sure you use the right bootstrap data for the right distribution. There are variations between distributions and sometime even between versions, hence various different bootstrap scripts are provided for the major distributions. If you’re using something else/fringe, you might have to do some of your own debugging, so recommend testing with a major distribution first.


Once you create your droplet, Digital Ocean will go away for 30-60 seconds and build and launch the machine. Once you SSH into it, tail the system log to see the user data executing in the background as the system completes it’s inaugural startup. The bootstrap script echos all commands it’s running and output into syslog for debugging purposes.



Watch the log file until you see the initial Puppet run take place. You’ll see Puppet output followed by Notice: Finished catalog run at some stage of the process. You’ll also see the Pupistry daemon has launched and is now running in the background checking for updates every minute.


If you got this far, you’ve just done a complete build and proven that Pupistry can run on your server without interruption – because of the user data feature, you can easily automate machine creation & pupistry run to complete build servers without ever needing to login – we only logged in here to see what was going on!


7. Using Pupistry regularly

To make rolling out Puppet changes quick and simply, Pupistry sets up a background daemon job via the puppet-pupistry companion module which installs init config for most distributions for systemd, upstart and sysvinit. You can check the daemon status and log output on systemd-era distributions with:

service pupistry status


If you want to test changes, then you probably may want to stop the daemon whilst you do your testing. Or you can be *clever* and use branches in your control repo – Pupistry daemon defaults to the master branch.

When testing or not using the daemon, you can run Pupistry manually in the same way that you can run the Puppet agent manually:

pupistry apply


Play around with some of the commands you can do, for example:

Run and only show what would have been done:

pupistry apply --noop

Apply a specific branch (this will work with the sample repo):

pupistry apply --environment exampleofbranch

To learn more about what commands can be run in apply mode, run:

pupistry help apply



8. Making a change to your control repo

At this point, you have a fully working Pupistry setup that you can experiment with and try new things out. You will want to check out the repo from bitbucket with:

git clone <repo>

Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 23.31.02


Your first change you might want to make is experimenting with changing some of the examples in your repository and pushing a new artifact:



When Puppet runs, it reads the manifests/site.pp file first for any node configuration. We have a simple default node setup that takes some actions like using some notify resources to display messages to the user. Try changing one of these:


Make a commit & push the change to Bitbucket, then build a new artifact:



We can now see the diff command in action:



If you’re happy with the changes, you can then push your new artifact to S3 and it will quickly deploy to your servers within the next minute if running the daemon.


You can also run the Pupistry apply manually on your target server to see the new change:


At this point you’ve been able to setup AWS, setup Git, setup Pupistry, build a server and push new Puppet manifests to it! You’re ready to begin your exciting adventure into master-less Puppet and automate all the things!


9. Cleanup

Hopefully you like Pupistry and are now hooked, but even if you do, you might want to cleanup everything you’ve just created as part of this walkthrough.

First you probably want to destroy your Digital Ocean Droplet so it doesn’t cost you any further money:


If you want to keep continuing with Pupistry with your new Pupistry Bitbucket control repo and your AWS account you can, but if you want to purge them to clean up and start again:

Delete the BitBucket repo:


Delete the AWS S3 bucket contents, then tear down the CloudFormation stack to delete the bucket and the users:


All done – you can re-run this tutorial from clean, or use your newfound knowledge to setup your proper production configuration.


Further Information

Hopefully you’ve found this walkthrough (and Pupistry) useful! Before getting started properly on your Pupistry adventure, please do read the full README.md and also my introducing Pupistry blog post.


Pupistry is a very new application, so if you find bugs please file an issue in the tracker, it’s also worth checking the tracker for any other known issues with Pupistry before getting started with it in production.

Pull requests for improved documentation, bug fixes or new features are always welcome.

If you are stuck and need support, please file it via an issue in the tracker. If your issue relates *directly* to a step in this tutorial, then you are welcome to post a comment below. I get too many emails, so please don’t email me asking for support on an issue as I’ll probably just discard it.

You may also find the following useful if you’re new to Puppet:

Remember that Pupistry advocates the use of masterless Puppet techniques which isn’t really properly supported by Puppetlabs, however generally Puppet modules will work just fine in master-less as well as master-full environments.

Puppet master is pretty standard, whereas Puppet masterless implementations differ all over the place since there’s no “proper” way of doing it. Pupistry hopefully fills this gap and will become a defacto standard for masterless over time.



Introducing Pupistry

I’ve recently been working to migrate my personal infrastructure from a very conventional and ageing 8 year old colocation server to a new cloud-based approach.

As part of this migration I’m simplifying what I have down to the fewest possible services and offloading a number of them to best-of-breed cloud SaaS providers.

Of course I’m still going to have a few servers for running various applications where it makes the most sense, but ideally it will only be a handful of small virtual machines and a bunch of development machines that I can spin up on demand using cloud providers like AWS or Digital Ocean, only paying for what I use.


The Puppet Master Problem

To make this manageable I needed to use a configuration management system such as Puppet to allow the whole build process of new servers to be automated (and fast!). But running Puppet goes against my plan of as-simple-as-possible as it means running another server (the Puppet master). I could have gone for something like Ansible, but I dislike the agent-less approach and prefer to have a proper agent and being able to build boxes automatically such as when using autoscaling.

So I decided to use Puppet masterless. It’s completely possible to run Puppet against local manifest files and have it apply them, but there’s the annoying issue of how to get Puppet manifests to servers in the first place…. That tends to be left as an exercise to the reader and there’s various collections of hacks floating around on the web and major organisations seem to grow their own homespun tooling to address it.

Just getting a well functioning Puppet masterless setup took far longer than desired and it seems silly given that everyone doing Puppet masterless is going to have to do the same steps over and over again.

User-data is another case of stupidity with every organisation writing their own variation of what is basically the same thing – some lines of bash to get a newly launched Linux instance from nothingness to running Puppet and applying the manifests for that organisation. There’s got to be a better way.


The blessing and challenges of r10k

It gets even more complex when you take the use of r10k into account. r10k is a Puppet workflow solution that makes it easy to include various upstream Puppet modules and pin them to specific versions. It supports branches, so you can do clever things like tell one server to apply a specific new branch to test a change you’ve made before rolling it out to all your servers. In short, it’s fantastic and if you’re not using it with Puppet… you should be.

However using r10k does mean you need access to all the git repositories that are being included in your Puppetfile. This is generally dealt with by having the Puppet master run r10k and download all the git repos using a deployer key that grants it access to the repositories.

But this doesn’t work so well when you have to setup deployer access keys for every machine to be able to read every one of your git repositories. And if a machine is ever compromised, it needs to be changed for every repo and every server again which is hardly ideal.

r10k’s approach of allowing you to assemble various third party Puppet modules into a (hopefully) coherent collection of manifests is very powerful – grab modules from the Puppet forge, from Github or from some other third party, r10k doesn’t care it makes it all work.

But this has the major failing of essentially limiting your security to the trustworthyness of all the third parties you select.

In some cases the author is relatively unknown and could suddenly decide to start including malicious content, or in other cases the security of the platform providing the modules is at risk (eg Puppetforge doesn’t require any two-factor auth for module authors) and a malicious attacker could attack the platform in order to compromise thousands of machines.

Some organisations fix this by still using r10k but always forking any third party modules before using them, but this has the downside of increased manual overhead to regularly check for new updates to the forked repos and pulling them down. It’s worth it for a big enterprise, but not worth the hassle for my few personal systems.

The other issue aside from security is that if any one of these third party repos ever fails to download (eg repo was deleted), your server would fail to build. Nobody wants to find that someone chose to delete the GitHub repo you rely on just minutes before your production host autoscaled and failed to startup. :-(



Pupistry – the solution?

I wanted to fix the lack of a consistent robust approach to doing masterless Puppet and provide a good way to allow r10k to be used with masterless Puppet and so in my limited spare time over the past month I’ve been working on Pupistry. (Pupistry? puppet + artistry == Pupistry! Hopefully my solution is better than my naming “genius”…)

Pupistry is a solution for implementing reliable and secure masterless puppet deployments by taking Puppet modules assembled by r10k and generating compressed and signed archives for distribution to the masterless servers.

Pupistry builds on the functionality offered by the r10k workflow but rather than requiring the implementing of site-specific custom bootstrap and custom workflow mechanisms, Pupistry executes r10k, assembles the combined modules and then generates a compressed artifact file. It then optionally signs the artifact with GPG and finally uploads it into an Amazon S3 bucket along with a manifest file.

The masterless Puppet machines then runs Pupistry which checks for a new version of the manifest file. If there is, it downloads the new artifact and does an optional GPG validation before applying it and running Puppet. Pupistry ships with a daemon which means you can get the same convenience of  a standard Puppet master & agent setup and don’t need dodgy cronjobs everywhere.

To make life even easier, Pupistry will even spit out bootstrap files for your platform which sets up each server from scratch to install, configure and run Pupistry, so you don’t need to write line after line of poorly tested bash code to get your machines online.

It’s also FAST. It can check for a new manifest in under a second, much faster than Puppet master or r10k being run directly on the masterless server.

Because Pupistry is artifact based, you can be sure your servers will always build since all the Puppetcode is packaged up which is great for autoscaling – although you still want to use a tool like Packer to create an OS image with Pupistry pre-loaded to remove dependency and risk of Rubygems or a newer version of Pupistry failing.


Try it!


If this sounds up your street, please take a look at the documentation on the Github page above and also the introduction tutorial I’ve written on this blog to see what Pupistry can do and how to get started with it.

Pupistry is naturally brand new and at MVP stage, so if you find bugs please file an issue in the tracker. It’s also worth checking the tracker for any other known issues with Pupistry before getting started with it in production (because you’re racing to put this brand new unproven app into production right?).

Pull requests for improved documentation, bug fixes or new features are always welcome, as is beer. :-)

I intend to keep developing this for myself as it solves my masterless Puppet needs really nicely, but I’d love to see it become a more popular solution that others are using instead of spinning some home grown weirdness again and again.

I’ve put some time into making it easy to use (I hope) and also written bootstrap scripts for most popular Linux distributions and FreeBSD, but I’d love feedback good & bad. If you’re using Pupistry and love it, let me know! If you tried Pupistry but it had some limitation/issue that prevented you from adopting it, let me know what it was, I might be able to help. Better yet, if you find a blocker to using it, fix it and send me a pull request. :-)

Puppet 3 & 4 on FreeBSD

I’ve been playing with FreeBSD recently and wanted to run Puppet on it to provide my machines with configuration.

Unfortunately I faced the following error when I first ran Puppet with a simple Puppet manifest that tries to install NTP via usage of the puppetlabs/ntp module:

Warning: Found multiple default providers for package: pip, gem; using pip
Error: Could not set 'present' on ensure: Could not locate the pip command. at modules/ntp/manifests/install.pp

Error: /Stage[main]/Ntp::Install/Package[net/ntp]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set 'present' on ensure: Could not locate the pip command. at modules/ntp/manifests/install.pp

This collection of errors is pretty interesting – we can see that Puppet seems to understand that it’s running on FreeBSD and that the package is called “net/ntp” but it’s trying to install it with pip, which is the Python package manager :-/

Turns out that Puppet versions older than and including 4.0.0 [1] lack support for PkgNg package manager which is used in FreeBSD 10.x and since it doesn’t know how to use it, defaults to trying one of the only two providers left over – pip & gem. Not really the smartest approach…

There’s two ways to fix right now:

  1. An independently packaged provider for PkgNg was written and is available at xaque208/puppet-pkgng. This can be included into any existing Puppet 3/4 deployment and you can define it as the default for all packages globally.
  2. Pull the commit from Puppet that provides PkgNg support (thanks to author of the above project). The downside is that you then have to build your own Gem and install it.

Longer term you can either:

  1. Wait for Puppet to release a stable version that actually works. I’m guessing it will be in 4.0.0 +1 (so 4.0.1?) but I’m not familiar with their approach to releasing new feature additions. See [1] for more information.
  2. Hope that the FreeBSD developers can backport the commit that adds PkgNg support to Puppet4. I’ve actually started chatting with one of the FreeBSD developers who’s been kind enough to have a look at upgrading their package from Puppet3 to Puppet4, but it’s not as simple as it should be thanks to the terrible way Puppetlabs has packaged Puppet4 (lots of hard coded /opt paths everywhere) so it may take some time.


Additionally there is an issue if you choose to install Puppet 4 via RubyGems and when you attempt to run it, you will get the following error:

Error: Cannot create /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache; parent directory /opt/puppetlabs/puppet does not exist
Error: /File[/var/log/puppetlabs/puppet]/ensure: change from absent to directory failed: Cannot create /var/log/puppetlabs/puppet; parent directory /var/log/puppetlabs does not exist

This is because the Gem is not properly packaged and doesn’t run nicely with FreeBSD’s filesystem structure. You can hack in a “fix” with:

mkdir -p /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache
mkdir -p /var/log/puppetlabs/puppet

It’s far from the right way of properly fixing this, the best solution if you value OS purity right now is to stick with the FreeBSD packaged Puppet 3 version and add the xaque208/puppet-pkgng module.


[1] So at time of writing, *no* stable Puppet version supports PkgNg yet, but given that it’s been merged into the master git branch for Puppet, I have to *presume* that it’s going into 4.0.1… I hope :-/

FreeBSD in the cloud

This weekend I was playing around with FreeBSD in order to add support to Pupistry. Although I generally use Linux exclusively, it’s fun to play around with other platforms now and then, bit like going on vacation. Plus building support for other platforms ensures that I’m writing code that’s more portable.

FreeBSD is probably the most popular BSD in use and it’s the only one available for download from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace and as a supported platform from Digital Ocean alongside their Linux offerings.

However as popular as FreeBSD is, it pales in comparison to Linux, which means that it doesn’t get as much love and things don’t work quite as seamlessly with these cloud providers. In my process of testing FreeBSD with both providers I ran into some interesting feature differences and annoyances.


FreeBSD on Digital Ocean

I started with Digital Ocean first, love them since they’re a nice simple, cheap cloud provider for personal stuff – not much need for the AWS enterprise feature set when I’m building personal machines and paying the price of a coffee for a month of compute sure is nice.

They provide a FreeBSD 10.1 image via the usual droplet creation screen, I have to give Digital Ocean credit for such a nice clean simple interface – limiting user selection does make it much more approachable for people, something Apple always understood with their products.

Screen Shot 2015-04-18 at 23.30.50

As always Digital Ocean is pretty speedy, bringing up a machine within a minute or so. Once ready, login as the freebsd user and you can just sudo to root.

Digital Ocean provides a pretty recent image with pkg already installed and ready to go, although you’ll want to run the update process to get the latest patches. You need to login initially as the freebsd user and then can sudo to acquire root powers.

Over all it’s great – so naturally there is a catch. Digital Ocean doesn’t yet support user data with their droplets. So whilst you can fill in the user data field, it won’t actually get executed.

This is pretty annoying for anyone wanting to automate large number of machines, since it now means you have to SSH to each of them to get them provisioned. I’ve raised a question on their community forum around this issue, but I wouldn’t expect a quick fix since the upstream bsd-cloudinit project they use hasn’t implemented support yet either.

It’s not going to be an end-of-the-world for most people, but it could be barrier if you’re wanting to roll out a fleet of BSD boxen.

The best feature from Digital Ocean is actually their documentation – with the launch of FreeBSD on their platform, they’ve produced some excellent tutorials and guides to their platform which can be found here and are useful to both Linux gurus and noobs alike.

Finally their native IPv6 support extends to FreeBSD, so your machines can join the internet of the 21st century from day one.


FreeBSD on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Next I spun up an instance in Amazon Web Services (AWS) which is the granddaddy of cloud providers and provides an impressive array of functionality, although this comes at a cost premium over Digital Ocean’s tight pricing.

It’s actually been the first time in a long time that I’ve built a machine via the AWS web console, normally for work we just build all of our systems via Cloud Formation and it was an interesting experience to see the usability difference of AWS’s setup page vs that of Digital Ocean’s.

The fact that the launch wizard has 7 different screens says a lot and I suspect AWS is at risk of having it’s consumer user base eaten by the likes of Linode and Digital Ocean – but when a consumer user is paying $5.00 a month and an enterprise customer pays $300,000 a month, I suspect AWS isn’t going to be too worried.

Launching a FreeBSD instance is not really any different to that of a Linux one, you just need to search for “freebsd” in the AWS Market Place to find the AMI and launch as normal.

Screen Shot 2015-04-18 at 23.43.18


Once launched, things get more interesting. Digital Ocean’s FreeBSD instance came up in around 1 minute which is standard for their systems – but AWS took a whopping 8-10mins to launch the AMI to the level where I could login via SSH!

Digging into the startup log reveals why – it seems the AWS AMI (Amazon’s machine images/templates) for FreeBSD launches the instance, then runs a prolonged upgrade task (freebsd-update fetch install), before doing a subsequent reboot and finally starting SSH.

Whilst I appreciate the good default security posture this provides, there’s a few issues with it:

  1. It differs from most other AWS images which deal with patching by having new images built semi-frequently and leaving the patching in-between up to the admin’s choice.
  2. During the whole process, the admin can’t login which causes some confusion. I initially assumed the AMI images were broken after reviewing my security groups and seeing no reason why I shouldn’t be able to login immediately.
  3. You can’t trust the AMI images to be a solid unchanging base, which means you need to be vary wary if doing autoscaling. Not only is 10mins a bit too slow for autoscaling, having the potential risk of it not coming up due to app changes in the latest update is always something to watch out for. If doing autoscaling with these images, you’ll need to consider
  4. It caused me no end of frustration when trying to test user data since I had to wait 10mins each time to get a confirmation of my test!

The last point brings me to user data – the good news is that Amazon correctly supports user data for FreeBSD machines, so you can paste in your tcsh script (not bash remember!) and it will get invoked at launch time.

The downside is that the user data handling of FreeBSD is a lot more fragile than Linux images. Generally with Linux, the OS boots (including SSH) and then runs the user data. If the user data breaks or hangs or does anything other than expected, you can still login and debug. Whereas since FreeBSD runs the user data before starting up SSH, if something goes wrong you have no way to easily login and debug. And given the differences between tcsh and bash plus annoying commands that default to expecting user input on non-interactive ptys, changes are you’ll have more than one attempt that results in a machine getting stuck at launch.

The ultimate fix is that you’ll probably have to use Packer if using FreeBSD in any serious way on AWS to get the startup performance to an acceptable level.

Finally remember that on AWS, you need to login as the ec2-user and then su –  to become root.


Which one?

If you’re interested in FreeBSD and want to pick a provider to play around with, the choice seems pretty simple to me – Digital Ocean. They’re got the better pricing (~ $5/month vs $15/month) and their ridiculously simple dashboard coupled with the excellent documentation they’ve assembled makes it really attractive for anyone new to the *.nix or cloud space. Plus they’ve bothered to invest in IPv6 which I appreciate.

However if you’re doing business/enterprise systems and want user data, autoscaling or the benefit of automating entire stacks with Cloud Formation, then you will probably find AWS the more attractive offering purely due to the additional functionality offered by that platform. Just be prepared to spend a bit of time baking your own AMI to allow you to skip the overhead of having to wait for updates to apply for each instance you bring up.

Neither provider has got their FreeBSD experience to be quite as slick as that of their Linux offerings, however hopefully they improve on these deficiencies over time –  there’s not much needed to get the experience up to the same level as Linux distributions and it’s nice having a different type of unix to play with for a change.

Puppet facts, json and max nesting

I use Puppet for both business and pleasure and my work often involves writing custom Puppet facts to expose various bits of information.

Recently a fact I had written that worked on the development machines started throwing errors when run on our production machines:

Could not retrieve jethros_awesome_fact: nesting of 20 is too deep

 After digging around it turns out this relates to how many nested levels are inside JSON responses. By default Ruby enforces a maximum level of nesting, I guess to avoid parsing bad JSON or JSON deliberately structured to cause infinite looping.

My fact involved pulling JSON from a local application API and then providing various bits of data from the feed. In the development environments this worked without an issue, but the production systems returned a lot more information via the API feed and broke it.

The fix is pretty easy, just need to add the :max_nesting => false parameter when parsing the JSON – or set it to a different number of levels if you prefer that approach.

json         = JSON.parse(response.body, :max_nesting => false)

AEM/CQ 5.6.1 package file parameter missing

Having the joy and “pleasure” of patching a bunch of AEM/CQ 5.6.1 instances at work recently, I ran into a weird issue where the hotfixes would refuse to install on a particular development machine.

Any attempt to install the packages would result in the following error, regardless of whether or not the upload is done via the CRX PackMgr UI, or via Curl.

{"success":false,"msg":"package file parameter missing"}

I would have assumed that it was a bad package if it wasn’t for the fact that it worked OK on other machines, so started looking for other factors.

$ df -h /tmp
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvdb        30G   29G   88K 100% /tmp

Turns out, the /tmp volume was full on this machine thanks to a lovely collection of heap dumps being stored there. This leads to CQ being unable to write to it’s configured temporary location (which might differ on your install, check for -Djava.io.tmpdir) which is used to store the file between uploading and installing.

Clearing the tmp volume resolves the issue. You might also get this error if your tmp volume can’t be written for any other reason, such as a permissions issue or broken filesystem/mount.

Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-AC in-home performance

Having completed the most important move-in task of wiring the house for ethernet and installing the Ubiquiti Unfi UAP-AC access point, I decided to run some benchmarks to see what sort of performance I could actually get.

Unifi UAP-AC just chilling out on the roof.

Unifi UAP-AC just chilling out on the roof.

Manufacturers always quote theoretical figures which can make buying hard, but even when relying on public third party tests, a particular device will perform differently in your own specific situation in a house with walls, interference, crappy consumer devices and other causes for them not to hit the theoretical maximum performance.

Ubiquiti claim that the UAP-AC can do a theoretical maximum of 1300 Mbits in 5Ghz and 450 Mbits in 2.4Ghz. Unfortunately public benchmarks for my testing laptop (Macbook Pro Retina 2013) show it capping out at 615 Mbits, so it’s not going to possible to truly test what’s possible with the UAP-AC past that speed.

Rather than a benchmark of the absolute maximum speed possible consider this benchmark a general consumer use case test in a suburban setting to see what the real world performance is going to be like with a common consumer client device.



The testing was done with the following equipment:

  • iperf2 as the network performance tool.
  • Ubiquity Unfi UAP-AC access point (duh)
  • Apple Macbook Pro Retina 15″ late 2013 (Running MacOS Mavericks).
  • Lenovo Thinkpad x201i laptop running Linux and connected via GigE to run the iperf server.
  • Mikrotik CRS226-24G-2S+RM switch, acting as a dumb switch to connect the AP and the Lenovo Thinkpad running iperf2.
  • House

The latest firmware was applied to the access point, all other settings like power modes are on their default values.

The Macbook Pro should be pretty typical of most high end laptops currently available and supports 802.11ac and both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands, sadly I didn’t have any other 802.11ac client devices that I could run tests with – would be very keen to test with a client device that can deliver closer to the theoretical 1300 Mbits, as well as being able to test with multiple devices concurrently.

Because of where I am, there were no other WiFI access points detected (yay for elderly neighbours) so the testing was free from interference by other networks. Other sources of potential interference such as microwaves and wireless audio streaming was powered down.

Whilst they were not particular active, or being used or testing, the following other devices were also connected to the access point during the tests and could of course influence how well the AP performs.

  • Apple Iphone 5s (802.11n 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz capable)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (802.11n 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz capable)

The house itself also requires note – it’s an old single-story Wellington home with walls containing about 20mm of solid hardwood plus a layer of plasterboard. They’re thick walls and utterly punishing to 5Ghz WiFI which generally doesn’t like solid objects at the best of times.

Finally the AP is roof mounted in the rough middle of the house in the hallway – the downside is that every room gets it’s signal after passing through at least one wall, but it gives me all of house (and some garden) coverage from a single AP.


Test Results

I did two distinct tests – one where the client device transmits, then receives and another where the client device transmits and receives concurrently. Both tests were done using UDP.

Respectively, the following were the commands used:

  • iperf -u -c SERVERIP –tradeoff -b 1000M
  • iperf -u -c SERVERIP –dualtest -b 1000M

I performed each test a total of 3 times and the results provided are the averages result of those 3 tests. I’ve also included a column showing the general connection type that was established for most of the testing, however in some rooms it’s possible the laptop swapped between 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz throughout testing which would mess with results.

6 different locations were used:

  1. Wired GigE connection (For control purposes to verify the iperf setup and switch were not impacting performance).
  2. Hallway – This test was holding the laptop and standing directly underneath the roof mounted AP.
  3. Master Bedroom – 1 wall
  4. Office – 1 wall, but signal potentially impacted by house details.
  5. Lounge – 1-2 walls depending where the signal goes.
  6. Dining Room – 3 walls between AP and room.


Individual Tests Dual Tests Reported Mode
Location Transmit Receive Transmit Receive
WiredGigE 745.00 803.00 null [1] null [1]
Hallway 565.67 570.33 120.43 379.00 802.11ac 5ghz 64%
Master Bedroom 127.00 394.00 84.40 92.47 802.11ac 5ghz 12%
Office 150.00 341.33 93.37 109.13 802.11ac 5ghz 15%
Lounge 67.47 153.00 32.87 62.30 Mixed [2]
Dining Room 55.33 116.00 33.10 45.30 802.11n 2.4Ghz 47%

The locations in the results are ordered closest-furthest, so these results make sense. The fact that receive performance is often better than transmit makes sense when considering that the AP probably has far better antennas and transmission power than the laptop.

Some specific notes:

  • [1] The dual test of Wired GigE just wouldn’t work – I think this was a bug in iperf2 and it wasn’t vital to solve for the testing, hence no metrics.
  • [2] The laptop’s reported mode when in the lounge would vary. On some tests the AP would report 802.11n 2.4Ghz 50% and other times it would report 802.11ac 5Ghz 0.0% (sic), so I think the laptop was struggling to maintain 5ghz, yet could see it strongly enough to try to switch to it.




So am I happy with my purchase? The answer is yes – some other access points might have scored higher performance at range but considering the punishment the walls of the house are delivering to the AP, I’m pretty happy with the speeds I’m getting in the rooms.

Considering my WAN connection is 40mbits down / 10mbits up maximum, even the worst location is still able to max the connection and if I need more capacity to push to the file server, I’ll go use one of the stronger signal rooms or just plug into one of the ethernet ports in every room of the house.

I also intentionally brought Ubiquiti’s hardware since in future it’s likely that I’ll add additional access points around the house to expand the coverage in the areas we end up spending the most time in. The software provided Ubiquiti makes configuration and management of multiple access points very easy which is a big advantage.

At just under $500 NZD, these units aren’t cheap, but compared to the time/cost of running ethernet everywhere, it wouldn’t be a bad investment to install a 3-pack spread around the house to provide maximum coverage if you really want to get as fast as possible without the pain of installing ethernet (well you still have to run it through the attic… but it’s easier than running inside the walls). You’re not going to get GigE speeds, but you should be able to get 500-600 Mbits within the same room as the AP.

Installing Cloud Pipes

One of the essential upgrades for the house has been the installation of computer network data cabling throughout the house. Whilst some helpful individual went to the effort of installing phone jacks in almost every room, an analogue phone line in every room isn’t that useful to me in 2014, so I decided to get the place upgraded with something a little more modern.

A few people have asked me why I didn’t go entirely WiFi instead – granted it’s a valid question given that most devices now come with WiFi and no wired ethernet (curses Apple Macbooks), but I figured there’s still some good reasons to install cables through the house:

  1. WiFi still needs some copper cables to backhaul data and even if mesh networking evolved to be good enough to eliminate the backhaul link requirements, there’s no wireless power yet, so POE is damn handy.
  2. With ports in every room, I can always plug in more APs in any room to get better coverage. Could be very handy if new tech like WiGig takes off, which may require an access point in each room due to poor performance through walls.
  3. The current WiFi tech is acceptable for transferring current HD video content over the network, but it’s not going to handle ultra-high-def content like 4K footage very well.
  4. The Cat6 cabling I’ve installed should be capable of up to 10Gbit speeds. It’s going to take us a while to get 10Gbit with wireless.

Only time will tell if I was as foolish as those who installed coaxial cabling for their 10mbit networks before they got bitten by the uptake of Cat5, but I suspect it should be useful for another 10-20 years at least. After that, who knows….

Since I’m putting the cabling into existing clad rooms, I lack the convenience of a newly built or renovated property where I can simply run cables at my leisure and put the plasterboard up afterwards. On the plus side, unlike a modern house, mine has a number of gaps from items like old brick chimneys that have been removed and a number of walls that lack the conventional 2×4 horizontal studs, which offers some places where cables can be dropped from ceiling to floor uninterrupted.

With this in mind, I gathered my tools, geared up with confidence, and set off on my cabling adventure.

OPen wide

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing”

Only one problem – one quick look up into the attic quickly confirmed for me that “yes, I do certainly dislike heights” and “yes, I also really do dislike confined spaces that are dark and smell funny”.

To overcome these problems, I recruited the services of the future-father-in-law who has a lot of experience running TV antenna cabling, so is pretty comfortable moving around in an attic and drilling holes into walls. Thankfully he agreed to assist me (thanks Neville!!) with climbing up and around the attic which allowed me to move to the next step – getting the cables in.

It's high up here :-/

3.5 metre ceilings mean you need to get comfortable with working at the top of a ladder

I decided that I wanted 4x cables into the lounge, 4x into the back bedroom/office, and then 2x into the other 3 bedrooms. I pondered just putting 4x everywhere, but had a whole bunch of 2x plates and I figure the bedrooms aren’t likely to host a small server farm any time soon. Again, one of those things where I might be cursing myself in the future, or might not ever be an issue.

The small bedroom was the easiest, being in part of the original house, there was no studs from floor to roof, so we could simply drop the cables right down and cut a hole at the bottom for the ports. Easy!

The older walls never needed studs, since the walls are lined in about 10mm of solid sarking timber made from native hardwood Rimu, these timber planks hold the building together tight and eliminate the need for the more modern practice of horizontal studs in the walls. The upside of this sarking is that the place is solid and you can put weight baring screws into almost any part of the wall, and screw the faceplates for power and data directly into the wall without needing flushboxes. The downside is that the hole saw takes some effort to cut through this hardwood native timber and it also means that WiFi penetration betweens the rooms isn’t as great. Infact when I had the WiFi access point in a cupboard before it got properly installed, I struggled to maintain connections to some locations due to the thick walls.

Hello data!

If you look carefully, can see the thickness of the walls with the plasterboard + sarking.

The back rooms – bedroom, office and lounge were a bit more challenging. Due to structural blockages like support beams and horizontal studs in the younger office and bedroom renovation, it wasn’t simply a case of dropping the cable down from the roof to each room.Instead we ran the cables through the roof and then down all together in a single bunch thought the space that was once occupied by the brick chimney, to get the cables down from the roof to under the house. Once under, we were able to run them to the required rooms and pop the cables back up into the rooms by drilling a hole into the middle of each wall from under the house.

Cloud Pipes!

Cloud Pipes!

To do the master bedroom took some creativity, but we found that the hall cupboard that backs onto the bedroom was an easy to target location and dropped the cables down there, before doing some “creative re-construction” of the cupboard walls to get the cables down and through to the other side in the bedroom.

Even this coat cupboard needs to be GigE connected

Even this coat cupboard needs to be GigE connected

Running the cables was a three-step task. First we ran a single cable being fed out of the reel until we got it to the desired location. This is required to determine the length of the cabling needed, although if we were willing to be wasteful with cable and coil the excess in the roof, we could have made estimations on the generous side and skipped this step and just have run a draw wire from the immediate start.

We then removed the cable, pulling a draw wire through after it. In my case, we use some old cat5 cable as the draw wire since it’s nice and tough. Once the original cable is recovered, we cut the required number of lengths exactly the same, then create bundles of cable as needed.

We used electrical table to bind them together (since it doesn’t add any thickness to the bundles, unlike cable ties, which get stuck on holes) and made sure to stagger the cables so that it wasn’t a single large flat end trying to get through the holes.

Once the bundles are ready, it’s just a case of attaching it to the draw wire and pulling the draw wire through, pulling the new bundle behind it. Make sure you’ve drilled your holes to be big enough to fit the whole bundle!


The easiest installation was that of the roof-mounted WiFi access point (Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-AC). Since it just needed a single cable which needed to be run along the attic to the patch panel, we simply drilled a hole up into the attic and fed the cable up straight from the reel, no need to mess around with draw wires.

I suspect we could have done this for all the rooms in the house just as easily, so if you decide you want to invest in WiFi APs in every room rather than wired ethernet ports, you would have a lot easier time putting the APs up.

Leave plenty of length so you don't have to crimp a cable above your head

Drill hole, feed cable, doesn’t get much simpler than this.

Rather than a socket, the roof cable is terminated with an RJ45 connector which plugs directly into the back of the AP which then fits snugly on the roof hiding all cabling.

The end result looks quite tidy, I was worried about the impact on the character ceilings and part of me did feel bad putting the drill through it so I took care to keep the holes to the absolute minimum to ensure it could be patched without too much grief in future.

All done!

The blue-sun god we worship for internet access.

The blue square on the AP is visible in the dark, but doesn’t light up the area. It’s bright enough that I’d think carefully about putting it in a bedroom unless there’s a way to turn it off in software.


Whilst the roof mount AP had an RJ45 port due to space constraints and aesthetics, all the room cables have been terminated at proper RJ45 jacks.


PDL Cover, Grid (sold together), Third Party RJ45 keystone and PDL RJ45 clip.

My house is primarily PDL 500/600 series faceplates, which means I ended up sourcing the same PDL products for the data faceplates. The faceplates aren’t too outrageous at about $6 each (2-port / 4-port), but PDL charge a whopping $13.80 for their RJ45 data inserts. Given that I installed 14 sockets, that would cost $193.20 for the ports, which is crazy… I could buy several entire patch panels for that.

Fortunately the RJ45 inserts themselves (the keystones) are made by a number of vendors, you just need the PDL keystone clip to join any third party keystone with the PDL faceplates.

Hence I sourced 14x of the PDL clips at $1.38 each ($19.32 total) and then sourced 3x 5-pack of keystones on TradeMe from a seller “digitalera” for $9 per pack ($27). This brought my total spend for the RJ45 data inserts to $46.32… much much cheaper!


The finished product.

All these cables terminate back in a small cupboard in the hallway, into a 24-port patch panel. There’s a bit of space space left over on it for future expansion as it occurs.


All patched and all ready to go

The patch panel is installed in a wall-mount 9 RU 19″ comms cabinet. I went for a 9RU and 30cm deep model, since it offers plenty of space for PDUs, cabling and also can fit lots of models of switches and routers with room to clear.

Data & Power sorted!

Data & Power sorted!

Cable management with this setup has been a little tricky – usually I’d prefer to have a cable management bar for the patch panel and a cable management bar for each switch, an arrangement that is space expensive, but the easiest and tidiest.

Unfortunately I quickly found that putting the cable management bars in the roof-height cabinet limits visibility too much, since it blocks the ability to see the switch ports or patch panel labels since you can’t look at it face on, but rather look at it upwards from the top of the ladder.

The approach I’ve ended up with is therefore a little unconventional, with a cable management bar at the very top of the rack, and cabling going up into it from the patch panel and then back down to the switch.

The downside of this approach is that cables cross the patch panel to get to the switch (arghgh I know!), but the upside is that I can still see all the other switch ports and patch panel ports and its still quite readable. I’ll understand if I’m kicked out of the data centre cabling perfection club however.

There’s still 5RU spare for some shelves for devices like VDSL model or a dedicated router, but given that the Mikrotik CRS226-24G-2S+RM RouterOS based switch can do almost everything I need including almost 200mbits routing capability, there’s no plan to add much more in there.

Currently the power and server data runs down to the floor, but next time I have an electrician on-site doing work, I’ll get a mains socket installed up by the cabinet to save a cable run and potentially a very shallow rackmount UPS to run the cabinet.

Finished! For now...

Cabling and equipment installed!

The final step was making sure everything actually worked – for that I used a $5 cable tester I picked up off Trademe – has nothing on a fancy brand like Fluke that can measure the length of cable runs and tell you the type of cabling pin out, but for a casual home installation it was great!

Remote control

Testing the cabling jobs – the meter runs through each wire in order so you can detect incorrectly punched cables or incorrect arrangements of the wires at either end.


I had most of the tools needed on hand already, if you’re tempted to do similar, you’re going to need the following:

  1. A decent electric drill.
  2. A hole saw (goes into your drill, makes big holes in walls). You need this to make the opening for your wall plates with enough room to sit all the RJ45 modules into the wall.
  3. Regular drill bits if you’re going up through the ceiling into the roof for WiFi APs – just need something large enough for a Cat6 cable and no more.
  4. An auger drill bit if you want to drill holes suitable for running bundles of cables through solid wood beams. Having a bit big enough to fit all your cables in your bundle a bit of slack is good.
  5. A punch down tool, this is what you use to connect each wire in the patch panel and RJ45 wall modules. Its worth buying a reasonable quality one, I had a very cheap (~$5) unit which barely survived till the end of the build since you tend to put quite a bit of force on them. The cheap tool’s cutter was so bad I ended up using a separate wire cutter to get the job done, so don’t make my mistake and get something good.
  6. A good quality crimping tool – this will allow you to terminate RJ45 (needed if you want to terminate to the plug, rather than socket for roof-mount access points), but they also tend to include a cable stripper perfectly aligned to strip the outer jacket of the cat5/6 cable. Again, don’t scrimp on this tool, I have a particular solid model which has served me really well.
  7. Needle nose pliers or wire cutters – you need something to cut out the solid plastic core of the Cat6 cable. You can do it in the crimping tool, but often the wire cutter or pliers are just easier to use.

And of course materials:

  1. A reel of Cat6 Ethernet. Generally comes in 305m boxes.
  2. A roll of black electrical tape, you’ll want to use this to attach guide cables, and to bundle cables together without adding size to the cabling runs.
  3. Cable ties are useful once you get cables into position and want tight permanent bundling of cables.
  4. RJ45 plugs if you are terminating to a plug.
  5. RJ45 modules and related wall plate hardware.
  6. Pipe/Saddle Clips can be useful for holding up cables in an orderly fashion under the house (since they’re designed for pipes, big enough to fit cable bundles) and they’re great to avoid leaving cables running across the dirt.

Note that whilst there are newer standards like Cat 6a and Cat7 for 10 GigE copper, Cat6 is readily available in NZ and is rated to do 10GigE to a max of 35-50m runs, generally well within the max length of any run you’ll be doing in a suburban house.

Settling In

This blog has been a little quiet lately, mostly thanks to Lisa and I being busy adjusting to the joys of home ownership with our new house we moved into in mid-September!

I'm a trust worthy reputable resident of Wadestown now!

I’m a trust worthy reputable resident of Wadestown now!

It’s been pretty flat-out and a number of weeks have already passed us by very quickly – we had anticipated the increase in expenditure that comes with owning a properly, but the amount of time it consumes as well is quite incredible, and given that the property hasn’t had a whole lot of love for the past 5 years or so, there’s certainly a backlog of tasks that need doing.

There’s also the unexpected “joys” that come with ownership, like the burst waterpipe on our first day in the new house, or the one hob on the cooker that appears to like leaking gas when it’s used, or the front door lock that has broken after a few weeks of use. For the first time ever, I almost miss having a landlord to complain to – however the enjoyment of putting a power drill through your first wall without requiring permission cannot be understated either.


Amusingly despite becoming home owners, it’s actually been the outdoors that’s been occupying most of my time, with large masses of plant life that has crept over the sheds, the paths and into roof gutters. I cleared 8 wheelbarrows of soil and plant material off the upper path the other day and it’s barely made a dent.

Rediscovering the lower pathway slowly...

Rediscovering the lower pathway slowly…

So far I’ve been mostly concerned about the low level plants, I haven’t even begun to look at the wall of trees and ferns around us – a lot of them are great and we will keep them, but a few certainly need some pruning back to make them a bit tamer and let a bit more light into the property.

Ferns in the mist. Pretty kiwi as bru.

Ferns in the mist. Pretty kiwi as bru.

I’ve been discovering the awesome range of power tools that exist these days – seems tools have come a long way from the days of my fathers wired drill, I’ve now got drills, sanders and even a weedeater/line cutter which all share the same cordless battery pack!

Got 99 problems but wires ain't one.

Got 99 problems but wires ain’t one. Cordless freedom baby!

I’ve had to learn some new skills like how to use a saw or how to set a post in the ground. Of course I cheated a bit by using ready-to-pour fastcrete, but hey, I’m lazy Gen Y-er who wants the fastest easiest way to make something work. ;-)

Hole digging

Harder than it looks. Stupid solid clay ground :-(

I also have two sheds that I need to do up – the first is in pretty good shape and just needs some minor fixes and paint job. It’s even got power already wired up so you can plug in your tools and go :-)

The second shed is in a far worse state and pretty much needs complete stripping down and repairing including a whole new floor and getting rid of almost a meter high pile of detritus that has collected around the back of it over the past 100 years. Helpfully some trees also decided to then plant themselves and grow right next to it as well.

The older shed, pretty but somewhat unusable without some hard work.

The older shed and upper pathway after tidying up the over growth.


The house is thankfully in a better state than the garden and sheds, although there is certainly a lot of work needed in the form of overdue maintenance and improvements. The house was built in 1914 (100 years birthday this year!), but thankfully despite the age of the property, the hardest and most essential modernisation has been done for us already.

There’s been a complete replacement of electrical systems with modern cabling and both the structure and interior is in good shape with the original Totara piles having been replaced and whatever scrim wall linings that previous existed having been replaced with plasterboard.

Most of the interior decor is playing it safe with neutral coloured walls, carpet and curtains and the native timber exposed on the doors and skirting. However there are a few garish items remaining from an earlier era where style wasn’t as important, like the lovely maroon tiled fireplace or the cork flooring in the kitchen :-/

The Lounge: Where 2014 meets with 1970 head on.

The Lounge: Where 2014 meets with 1970 head on.


Generally the property is nice and everyone who comes over describes it as lovely – but of course nobody tells you if your baby is ugly, so it’s entirely possible everyone is questioning our tastes behind our backs… But give it time, we have a lot of plans for this place that are yet to be actioned!

Our primary task right now is dragging our 20th century house into the 21st century with a few modern requirements like data cabling, heating and decent lighting.

Oddly enough I’ve already started on the data side of things, getting Cat6 ethernet cable run through the house to all the living spaces and roof mounting a WiFi AP and installing a proper comms cabinet. Priorities!

The next major issue is heating, the house has an old wood fire and old unflued gas heater, both of which look pretty dubious. We’ve left them alone and have been using a few recently installed panel heaters, but we need to consider a more powerful whole-house solution like a modern gas fireplace to handle the cold Wellington winters.

Power drills! Holes in walls! This is what home ownership is all about.

Power drills! Holes in walls! This is what home ownership is all about.

In addition to heaters, we also need to fix up the shocking lack of insulation that is common with New Zealand properties. Whilst we have roof insulation already, the floor needs insulating and at some point there is going to be a very expensive retro-fit double glazing cost we need to investigate as well.


Aside from these immediate priorities, there’s the question of changes to the layout. The biggest annoyance for us right now is that the kitchen/dining space and the lounge are two separate rooms with a bedroom in-between, which doesn’t really suit modern open plan living so we are pondering the cost of knocking out a wall and re-arranging things to create a single open plan living area.

Additionally we have a really small bathroom yet we have a massive laundry that’s about twice the size just through the wall. Considering the the laundry has almost nothing but a single lonely washing machine in it, it’s a prime candidate for being annexed for a new role as a massive new bathroom.

The tiny wooden cabin bathroom.

The tiny “wooden cabin” bathroom. If it wasn’t for the skylight and our character 12 foot ceilings, it would be really dark and tiny in there. :-/

We are also thinking about how we can improve the outdoor area which is a bit weirdly organised with a large patio area detached from the house and the back deck being a tiny strip that can’t really fit much. We’re already pondering extending the deck out further, then along the full length of the house, so we can join up with the lower patio and make it a nore usable space.

World's tiniest deck.

World’s tiniest deck, not exactly that useful…

Of course all these improvements require a fair bit of capital, which is one thing we don’t have much of right now thanks to the home loan, so its going to take some careful budgeting and time to get to where we want to be. For now, we are just enjoying having the place and plotting…..


Aside from the garden and sorting out house improvements, the other major time sink has been unpacking. We didn’t exactly have heaps of stuff given that we just had limited bits stored at each other’s parent’s houses, so it’s pretty scary at how much has emerged and arrived at our new house. I think everyone was kind of glad to get our junk out of their houses at long last, although I’m sure my parents will miss the file server buzzing away 24×7.

It’s been a bit of a discovery of lots of stuff we didn’t realise we had, I have literally a small data center worth of tech gear including rackmount PDUs, routers, switches and other items.

I know what you're thinking "Oh how typical of Jethro, boobs on a box" - but this one ISN'T MINE, it came out of Lisa's parents house... :-/

I know what you’re thinking “Oh how typical of Jethro, boobs on a box” – but this one ISN’T MINE, it came out of Lisa’s parents house which kind of disturbs me deeply.

This is probably the biggest negative of home ownership for me – I hate owning stuff. And owning a house is a sure way to accumulate stuff very, very quickly.

Owning a house means you have space to just “store that in the cupboard for now”. Being a couple in a large 4 bedroom home means there’s a lot of space and little pressure to use it, so it’s very easy for us to end up with piles of junk that actually doesn’t serve a purpose and not feel forced to clean it out.

I came back from AU with two suitcases and I could probably have culled that down to as little as one suitcase given the chance. There’s a huge amount of tech gear I’m considering offloading and Lisa has a massive pile of childhood stuff to make some hard decisions about, because as hard as it is to get rid of things, I think both of us are keen to avoid ending up in the same hording situation like our parents.

Of course some stuff can’t be avoided. I’ve spent a small fortune at Bunnings recently obtaining tools and materials to do repairs and other DIY for the house, so there’s a lot of additions to the “stuff I have to own but hate having to own” pile.

We also needed to purchase all new furniture since we had essentially nothing after returning from Sydney. I don’t mind buying a few quality pieces, but sadly it seems impossible to buy a house load of furniture without also obtaining an entire shed worth of cardboard and polystyrene packaging that we need to dispose of. Sorry environment! :-(

Trapped by packaging.

Trapped by packaging.

We’ve gotten through most of the unpacking, but there’s still a lot of sorting and finding homes for things left to do.

I’m looking forwards to getting to the point where I can just enjoy the house and the space we have. It should be fantastic during summer especially for entertaining guests with its large backyard, patio and sunny afternoons and I’m really looking forwards to having a proper home office setup again for my geeking needs

Oh how I've missed a home office!

Got my home office! If only I had money for computer upgrades left :-(


So that’s an update on where we are at for now. It’s going to be a busy year I think with a lot of time spent doing up the place, and I’ll have plenty more blog posts to come on the various adventures along the way. I suspect many of them are going to be quite low-tech compared to the usual content of this blog, but maybe I’ll wake up and suddenly decide that home automation is an immediate vital task I need to complete. ;-)

If you want some more pictures of the house, there’s a copy of all the real estate agent listing photos on my Pinterest account taken by an actual competent photographer, the plan is to try and take pictures along the way as we progress with our improvements to the property to see the progress we’ve been making.