Tag Archives: lisa

Carr Estate

Our future home is on the front page of the latest Tommy's magazine.... too late buyers, it's our now!

Our future home is on the front page of the latest Tommy’s magazine…. too late buyers, it’s our now!

So we bought a house! We’ve just gone unconditional on a beautiful wooden house in Wadestown, just a short hop from Wellington CBD.

It’ll be a while before we move in, the settlement date isn’t till mid-September, so plenty of time to get freaked out by the huge garden and the shift from tiny apartments to a massive four bedroom home

Doesn’t really feel “real” just yet, just feels like a really big bill has emptied out my bank accounts… suspect it won’t be real until I’m climbing through the roof running Cat6 cabling to the WiFi APs and bolting the 48 RU racks to the floor.

Now we go from house hunting each weekend, to shopping for all the things we need to go into the house for when we move in – having sold most household stuff when we left for AU, we don’t have much in the way of furniture and need to at least get some basics so we can sleep and have a computer desk.

Exciting times…

Back in Welly!

It’s been just over a week since we returned to Wellington, been great to get home and start making plans for long term!

Was a bit of a mission moving out of our Sydney place – whilst we went over with a total of 4 suitcases, we returned with a much larger unexpected 8 suitcases worth of stuff, which we then had to pay to lug back across the Tasman.

Too much heap space consumed by our luggage :-(

Our luggage reminds me of a Java application and heap space.

Teeny-tiny little 737.

Teeny-tiny little 737 to take us home.

Since arriving, I’ve resumed working for Fairfax as a Systems Architect, looking after both the New Zealand and the Australian systems, including SMH, TheAge, Stuff and another 700-odd sites owned by Fairfax.

It’s a bit of a step up for me, still lots of hands on engineering work, but a chance to grow my skills and take responsibility for designing and building our next generation systems on both sides of the Tasman.

It’s certainly a bit of a change talking with my AU colleagues via Google Hangout video chat rather than sitting in the pub over a beer and it’s sad to lose that closeness, but still glad I can continue working with such an excellent group of people.

I’ve also gained a bunch of friendly NZ colleagues whom I’ll be working with on various projects, seems like a pretty cool bunch.

An important NZ public holiday.

An important NZ public holiday, celebrated by the NZ office.

Meanwhile on a personal front, Lisa and I are staying in a serviced apartment for 6 months whilst we finish putting together our deposit and then go house hunting in Wellington for a place of our own!

The Reserve Bank has made it tricky with banks being limited on the number of low equity loans they offer, but we have enough to get a place in a decent price bracket with a 20% deposit. If we can get approval of a low equity loan, then our options open up even more.

It’s good to be back home again! Once we’ve settled in, will be out and about house hunting and just generally enjoying Wellington.

Wellington CBD from Mt Kaukau

Wellington CBD from Mt Kaukau

Heading Home

Wellington CBD from  Central Park.

Wellington CBD from Central Park.

After 2.5 years away, Lisa and I are both heading back home to Wellington! This is a permanent move for us, whilst we’ve enjoyed our time in other places, this is certainly home for us and where we want to base ourselves long term.

At this stage we expect to be in a position to buy a house in Wellington in the next 3-6 months – the government forcing 20% minimum deposits for new loans has certainly been a frustration, but we’re in a position to just scrape in at the price point we’re after.

Meanwhile we need to find a place to live for those months – interested in hearing from anyone keen to lease a room to a couple, or know of any small apartments for lease, or even a longer term house sitter being needed anywhere. Naturally we’re trying to keep the rent low whilst we finish finalising the deposit.

Really looking forwards to being home and seeing everyone again – we get back on 28th March, so once we’ve settled in,  will start lining up catch ups with people! :-)

A reminisce of Auckland

During the year (late 2011-late 2012) I spent in Auckland after moving up there to be with Lisa, I collected a number of good memories and pictures from the region that I want to share to showcase what I consider to be the best bits of Auckland in my personal experience.

Waiting at the Devonport ferry crossing

Waiting at the Devonport ferry crossing

Auckland and I certainly have a love-hate relationship, it’s easy to be negative about Auckland with it’s transportation chaos, massive sprawling size and huge (by NZ standards) population, but at the same time it faces challenges that no other NZ city faces and serves up it’s own slice of awesomeness in the face of these issues.

If you can survive the sprawling road network and the urge to murder all other drivers, Auckland isn't actually all that bad. :-)

If you can survive the sprawling road network and the urge to murder all other drivers, Auckland isn’t actually all that bad. :-)

An example of Auckland transport policy.

An example of Auckland’s transport policy.

I personally loved the Auckland region from an explorer point of view – being in a new city, especially one with lots of island and other areas I’ve never been to before was a really exciting change. Wellington has it’s collection of interesting places of course, but you always know your home city too well for it to be surprising and new after a while.

My personal highlights of my adventures in Auckland would have to be my visit to Rangitoto Island, regular Takapuna to Devonport walks and my wanders along Takapuna Beach.

At times the warmer climate of Auckland, whilst a constant source of annoyance and suffering when working from home, also served up some beautiful swimming weather during summer in which I was able to visit the beach and swim in the sea just enjoying life.

Auckland does a remarkable job of being both ugly and beautiful at the same time – sometimes you’re stuck in a bland generic corporate business park, yet an hour later you can be on the harbour bridge looking over the city whilst a ship cruises under you, up in the Sky Tower cabling servers or getting up early and exploring the near empty city as the sun rises.

Viewing Auckland CBD from up on Mt Eden.

Viewing Auckland CBD from up on Mt Eden.

Takapuna beach, a summer gem. Plus there's amazing gelato right on the beach.

Takapuna beach, a summer gem. Plus there’s amazing gelato right on the beach.

One night in Mirangi Bay

One night in Mirangi Bay

My time in Auckland was particularly people orientated. I had moved up to Auckland to be with Lisa, but at the same time I missed my Wellington friends and family terribly leading to a really weird contrast where I was happy to be with her, but sad to be away from those who have played such a big part in my life.

On the plus side, my time in Auckland strengthened some existing friendships and created some new ones, which I’m very thankful to have. I have many great memories of good times spent over bottles of wine or delicious gin, going for a swim in the beach or flooding apartments during my time there. :-)

Lisa and I outside our apartment building.

Lisa and I outside our apartment building.

My dear friend @pikelet!

Partners in crime with @pikelet

In beer we trust.

Over beer we plot how to unleash our awesomeness on the world.

I was also fortunate enough to take part in Auckland’s Thursday Night Curry (TNC), a collection of great geeks meeting at a different curry venue somewhere in Auckland city or suburbs every fortnight. TNC features a range of very smart and very awesome people and is something I really miss having left Auckland. Plus the curry was excellent. ;-)

Delicious, delicious curry!

Delicious, delicious curry!

The TNC crowd and my other friends helped me seek out some of the good food locations in Auckland – Pikelet even managed to introduce me to some decent coffee in Auckland’s CBD a task I feared impossible after Wellington’s high standard in caffeinated deliciousness.

Delicious delicious coffee with chocolatey addition.

Delicious delicious coffee with chocolatey addition.

I even discovered some great food places such as Sunflower Vegetarian Restaurant, as well as some amazing local breweries and pubs including Britomart Brewery, Galbraith’s and Brew on Quay.

Hidden vegetarian gem - Sunflower vegetarian resturant.

Hidden vegetarian gem – Sunflower vegetarian restaurant.

Whilst living in Auckland, I was also able to get out and around the city and experience different parts of it, both whilst working but also whilst exploring on a personal level.

Auckland is New Zealand’s economic power house and most large companies base their head offices here, the unfortunate side effect has been that the city keeps growing and growing as more people base themselves there for work opportunities and there’s easily a risk of the city becoming a very corporate and developing an all-business, no-play feel.

Whilst some will argue that Auckland is already a soulless corporate city, I argue that whilst it does have it’s downsides, it has more than enough great features to make up for them.

Whilst a city like Wellington is generally great all round, Auckland has a contrasting mix of horrible problems yet amazing areas to visit and great places to go.

I even found greenery inside Auckland's CBD!

I even found greenery inside Auckland’s CBD!

Marshlands around Auckland

Marshlands around Auckland

Touches of old and new throughout Auckland

Generally speaking, Auckland is a young city, but there’s still a lot of older buildings amongst the glass and steel towers.

Suburban Auckland

Suburban Auckland (view from Takapuna down Fred Thomas drive).

The waterfront has to be one of Auckland's more redeeming features.

The waterfront has to be one of Auckland’s more redeeming features.

Whilst I don’t regret leaving Auckland to spend time over in AU, and as a devout Wellingtonian, I must admit that I do have a special place for the city and I’d happily live in it again if it wasn’t for the strong pull of dear friends and family in Wellington.

I suspect Auckland is somewhere I will consider visiting semi-frequently, even if it’s just for the beach visits and warm weather during summer, the region with it’s harbour and islands is one of the best feature and a strong pull for an excuse to visit the city.

Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum

The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney is a science/tech/design museum offering a range of exhibits including space, robotics, history, fashion and other geeky and design related topics.

I went there on a special event day so the usual $12 entrance fee had been halved (yay!) and spent a few hours having a good look around the museum.

No tech museum would be complete without a steam exhibit – the powerhouse actually has some of the engines in a powered state, although there wasn’t a whole lot going on when I was there.

Before data centers, these were the power houses of industry.

Before data centers, these were the power houses behind the world’s industry.

Old destination board from a railway station.

Old destination board from a railway station.

The man walking infront of a steam engine with a red flag to limit it's speed seems about as hopeless as the RIAA/MPAA wanting to stop digital downloads.

The man walking in front of a steam engine with a red flag to limit it’s speed seems about as hopeless as the RIAA/MPAA wanting to stop digital downloads…. you can’t restrict new technology for long.

There’s also a good exhibit of space technology, including an actual F-1 rocket engine, the most powerful liquid fuelled rocket ever developed and the machine responsible for powering the Saturn V which took humanity to the moon.

(from the left) F-1 rocket engine

(from the left) F-1 rocket engine, a sounding rocket (research), several models of famous space craft and satellites and more.

F-1 Engine!

F-1 Engine! These things are NOT small!

\m/ squeeeee

\m/ :-D

Rocket thruster used in command modules.

Rocket thruster used in command modules.

1/3 scale Soyuz pair coupled together.

1/3 scale Soyuz pair coupled together.

Retro computer inside the space station module mockup.

Retro computer inside the space station module mockup.

Replica Mars Rover - The Soviets sure made some weird looking hardware.

Replica Mars Rover – The Soviets sure made some weird looking hardware.

There are a range of robotics exhibits, including some neat demonstrations of industrial robotic arms that are bit more uncommon to see.

All hail the robotic overlords!

All hail the robotic overlords!

Everyone loves hexapods!

Everyone loves hexapods!

Plus a bunch of other random bits:

Weird looking aircraft

Weird looking aircraft

Electrifying Touch

Electrifying Touch

At times the selection of exhibits feels a bit disjointed, things certainly don’t flow quite as well as some of the other science and technology museums I’ve been to and some areas a bit worn and dated –  having said that, they are in the process of renovations, so it might be fairer to re-evaluate it in a year or so.

That being said, it’s worth a visit, just for some of the awesomeness they have there – plus how often can you take a picture of you and your partner standing underneath an F1 rocket engine? :-)

Houston, set engines to snuggly!

Houston, set engines to snuggly!

Escape from Auckland!

We finally managed to complete the move out last weekend! I don’t know how we managed to collect so much stuff in just 11 months, but we managed to fill my Starlet and an entire van with all Lisa’s stuff…

Broken down the office, next few weeks is living on the laptop only.

When boxing up all my stuff I realized that most of this is going into storage or being sold, very little that I’ll actually be taking with me to AU.

Most important part of the flat ;-) Sadly this will be staying in NZ rather than coming with us due to the size of it :-(

Books add so much weight. :-( There’s not a lot that I want to take – going to look at getting something like a Kindle for future books, but at the same time, there are things like code references or coffee tables books I really want to take. :-(

Sitting inside on outdoor furniture is all class. ;-)

It’s Mac World! They managed to escape my presence without getting Linux installed on them…. this time. ;-)

This is about half the stuff loaded into the van…

Had a pretty good drive down to Wellington, but of course it now means that I have to go through all my stuff and finish selling off things on Trademe, I don’t really want to end up storing lots of stuff at my parents place, particularly since any computer equipment would be obsoleted within a few years.

Also selling off my trusty Toyota Starlet and pretty much anything computer related that isn’t my laptop or my server, so keep watching my TradeMe listings over the next couple of weeks.

Next stop: Melbourne! I’m flying over on the 15th of September with the aim of lining up some work, with Lisa following me over as soon as I get something signed and a flat sorted.

So I might have gotten slightly engaged….

You may recall that this time last year I met a very lovely lady and becoming somewhat attached to her. On the 29th of January it was our 1 yr “official” anniversary, which we spent in Wellington.

I realised there’s nobody that I’d rather spend the rest of my life with than her, so last night I asked Lisa to marry me. And she said yes. :’)

Whilst this ring is not as pretty as a Linux server, I think Lisa did approve of this purchase more.

I love you Lisa – spending the rest of my life with you is an amazing, scary, exhilarating feeling all at the same time.

Realising that there’s someone in my life who cares about me as much as I care about them just continues to amaze me every day and I’m so, so happy I met you.


So yeah, I now have one very surprised but happy fiancé and about a million tweets from followers, friends and family. As we were in Wellington for the weekend, it worked out well, being able to see and catch up with many of our friends and my side of the family. (Thankfully she said yes, it would have been a very awkward weekend otherwise). ;-)

Still a lot of stuff to figure out and sort out, I had kind of assumed at this stage my work was done,but turns out there are weddings, life plans, cake testing and getting something other than seans to wear to sort out. :-/

We haven’t really made plans yet, but we’re thinking engagement of at least a year, before we make that final step (or she’ll get sick of me and leave by then and I’ll become (more of) an alcoholic reclusive geek), so it would be a wedding in early 2013. Unsure where, but sounds like Wellington or Hawke’s Bay

I know a few of you want to know how it came about, how I proposed, etc, I’m hoping Lisa will blog that in the next day or two along with some horribly cute couplesy pics once we get someone to take a pic that’s more public appropriate than the content of my phone’s camera.

I’m sure I’ll blog something more in the next few days, just wanted to get something up ATM. :-)