Tag Archives: open source

All posts relating to Open Source software, mostly but not exclusively UNIX focused.

Introducing o4send

Awhile ago, Amberdms was contracted to develop an application for sending messages to bluetooth enabled mobile phones for the NZ world expo.

Essentially the idea was that people would visit the expo, receive a file on their mobiles and receive some awesome content about New Zealand. The cool thing about this was that you didn’t need to be paired, any phone with bluetooth active would get this message.

Apparently this worked quite nicely, although I’m not convinced that OPP will be much use for the future, with the two major smartphone platforms (Android and iPhone/iOS) not providing support for it – we found that it worked best with Nokia Symbian phones.

To make this work, I wrote a perl script and coupled it with a CSV or MySQL database backend to track the connections and file distributions – I bundled this into a little application called “o4send” which I’ve now released the source publicly.

You can check out the source and download the application at the Amberdms project tracker at: https://www.amberdms.com/projects/p/oss-o4send/

Take care with this application, it can talk to a lot of mobile phones and I’m not sure of the legality of sending unsolicited messages to bluetooth devices – but I figured this source might be useful to somebody oneday for a project – or at the very least, a “hey that’s cool” moment.