Tag Archives: rhel

More Puppet Stuff

I’ve been continuing to migrate to my new server setup and Puppetising along the way, the outcome is yet more Puppet modules:

  1. The puppetlabs-firewall module performs very poorly with large rulesets, to work around this with my geoip/rirs module, I’ve gone and written puppet-speedychains, which generates iptables chains outside of the one-rule, one-resource Puppet logic. This allows me to do thousands of results in a matter of seconds vs hours using the standard module.
  2. If you’re doing Puppet for any more than a couple of users and systems, at some point you’ll want to write a user module that takes advantage of virtual users to make it easy to select which systems should have a specific user account on it. I’ve open sourced my (very basic) virtual user module as a handy reference point, including examples on how to use Hiera to store the user information.

Additionally, I’ve been working on Pupistry lightly, including building a version that runs on the ancient Ruby 1.8.7 versions found on RHEL/CentOS 5 & 6. You can check out this version in the legacy branch currently.

I’m undecided about whether or not I merge this into the main branch, since although it works fine on newer Ruby versions, I’m not sure if it could limit me significantly in future or not, so it might be best to keep the legacy branch as special thing for ancient versions only.

First thoughts and tips on EL 7

Generally one RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux (aka EL) release isn’t radically different to another, however the introduction of EL 7 is a bit of a shake up, introducing systemd, which means new init system, new ways of reading logs plus dropping some older utilities you may rely on and introducing new defaults.

I’m going through and upgrading some of my machines currently so I’ve prepared a few tips for anyone familiar with EL 4/5/6 and getting started with the move to EL 7.



The big/scary change introduced by RHEL 7 is systemd – love it or hate it, either way it’s here to stay. The good news is that an existing RHEL admin can keep doing most of their old tricks and existing commands.

Red Hat’s “service” command still works and now hooks into either legacy init scripts or new systemd processes. And rather than forcing everyone to use the new binary logging format, RHEL 7 logs messages to both the traditional syslog plain text files, as well as the new binary log format that you can access via journalctl – so your existing scripts or grep recipes will work as expected.

Rather than write up a whole bunch about systemd, I recommend you check out this blog post by CertDepot which details some of the commands you’ll want to get familiar with. The Fedora wiki is also useful and details stuff like enabling/disabling services at startup time.

I found the transition pretty easy and some of the new tricks like better integration between output logs and init are nice changes that should make Linux easier to work with for new users longer term thanks to better visibility into what’s going on.


Packages to Install

The EL minimum install lacks a few packages that I’d consider key, you may also want to install them as part of your base installs:

  • vim-enhanced – No idea why this doesn’t ship as part of minimum install so as a vim user, it’s very, very frustrating not having it.
  • net-tools – this provides the traditional ifconfig/route/netstat family of network tools. Whilst EL has taken the path of trying to force people onto the newer iproute tools there are still times you may want the older tools, such as for running older shell scripts that haven’t been updated yet.
  • bind-utils – Like tools like host or nslookup? You’ll want this package.
  • mailx – Provides the handy mail command for when you’re debugging your outbound mail.



Firstly be aware that your devices might no longer be simple named ethX, as devices are now named based on their type and role. Generally this is an improvement, since the names should line up more with the hardware on big systems for easier identification, and you can still change the device names if you prefer something else.

Changing the hostname will cause some confusion for long time RHEL users, rather than a line in /etc/sysconfig/network, the hostname is now configured in /etc/hostname like other distributions.

The EL 7 minimum installation now includes NetworkManager as standard. Whilst I think NetworkManager is a fantastic application, it doesn’t really have any place on my servers where I tend to have statically configured addresses and sometimes a few static routes or other trickiness like bridges and tunnels.

You can disable network manager (and instead use the static “network” service) by running the following commands:

systemctl stop NetworkManager
systemctl disable NetworkManager
systemctl restart network

Red Hat have documentation on doing static network configuration, although it is unfortunately weak on the IPv6 front.

Most stuff is the same as older versions, but the approach of configuring static routes bit me. On EL 5 you configured a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-ethX file to define IPv4 and IPv6 routes that should be created when that interface comes up. With EL7 you now need to split the IPv4 and IPv6 routes apart, otherwise you just get a weird error when you bring the interface up.

For example, previously on an EL 5 system I would have had something like:

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth1 via dev eth1
2001:db8:1::/48 via 2001:db8:5::2 dev eth1

Whereas you now need something like this:

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth1 via dev eth1

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route6-eth1
2001:db8:1::/48 via 2001:db8:5::2 dev eth1

Hopefully your environment is not creative enough to need static routes around the place, but hey, someone out there might always be as crazy as me.



EL 7 introduces FirewallD as the default firewall application – it offers some interesting sounding features for systems that frequently change networks such as mobile users, however I’m personally quite happy and familiar with iptables rulesets for my server systems which don’t ever change networks.

Fortunately the traditional raw iptables approach is still available, Red Hat dragged their existing iptables/ip6tables service scripts over into systemd, so you can still save your firewall rules into /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/iptables respectively.

# Disable firewalld:
systemctl disable firewalld
systemctl stop firewalld

# Install iptables
yum install iptables-service
systemctl enable iptables
systemctl enable ip6tables
systemctl start iptables
systemctl start ip6tables


LAMP Stack

  • Apache has been upgraded from 2.2 to 2.4. Generally things are mostly the same, but some modules have been removed which might break some of your configuration if you take a lift+shift approach.
  • MySQL has been replaced by MariaDB (community developed fork) which means the package names and service have changed, however all the mysql command line tools still exist and work fine.
  • PHP has been upgraded to 5.4.16 which a little bit dated already – over the lifespan of EL 7 it’s going to feel very dated very quickly, so I hope Red Hat puts out some php55 or php56 packages in future releases for those whom want to take advantage of the latest features.


Other Resources

  1. If you haven’t already, check out Red Hat’s release notes,they detail heaps of new features and additions to the platform.
  2. To learn more about the changes from previous releases, check out Red Hat’s Migration Guide as a starter.
  3. My guide to running EL 7 on EL 5 as a Xen guest for those of you running older Xen hypervisors.

Installing EL7 onto EL5 Xen hosts

With RedHat recently releasing RHEL 7 (and CentOS promptly getting their rebuild out the door shortly after), I decided to take the opportunity to start upgrading some of my ageing RHEL/CentOS (EL) systems.

My personal co-location server is a trusty P4 3.0Ghz box running EL 5 for both host and Xen guests. Xen has lost some popularity in favour of HVM solutions like KVM, however it’s still a great hypervisor and can run Linux guests really nicely on even hardware as old as mine that lacks HVM CPU extensions.

Considering that EL 5, 6 and 7 are all still supported by RedHat, I would expect that installing EL 7 as a guest on EL 5 should be easy – and to be fair to RedHat it mostly is, the installation was pretty standard.

Like EL 5 guests, EL 7 guests can be installed entirely from the command line using the standard virt-install command – for example:

$ virt-install --paravirt \
 --name MyCentOS7Guest \
 --ram 1024 \
 --vcpus 1 \
 --location http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/ \
 --file /dev/lv_group/MyCentOS7Guest \
 --network bridge=xenbr0

One issue I had is that the installer no longer prompts for network information to use to download the rest of the installer and instead assumes you have a DHCP server, an assumption that isn’t always correct. If you want to force it to use a static address, append the following parameters to the virt-install command.

 -x 'ip= netmask= dns= gateway='

The installer will proceed and give you an option to either use VNC to get a graphical installer, or to accept the more basic/limited text mode installer. In my case I went with the text mode installer, generally this is fine for average installations, except that it doesn’t give you a lot of control over partitioning.

Installation completed successfully, but I was not able to subsequently boot the new guest, with an error being thrown about pygrub being unable to find the boot partition.

# xm create -c vmguest
Using config file "./vmguest".
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 774, in ?
    raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find partition containing kernel"
RuntimeError: Unable to find partition containing kernel
No handlers could be found for logger "xend"
Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
Usage: xm create <ConfigFile> [options] [vars]


Xen works a little differently than VMWare/KVM/VirtualBox in that it doesn’t try to emulate hardware unnecessarily in paravirtualised mode, so there’s no BIOS. Instead Xen ships with a tool called pygrub, that is essentially an application that implements grub and goes through the process of reading the guest’s /boot filesystem, displaying a grub interface using the config in /boot, then when a kernel is selected grabs the kernel and associated information and launches the guest with it.

Generally this works well, certainly you can boot any of your EL 5 guests with it as well as other Linux distributions with Xen paravirtulised compatible kernels (it’s merged into upstream these days).

However RHEL has moved on a bit since 2007 adding a few new tricks, such as replacing Grub with Grub2 and moving from the typical ext3 boot partition to an xfs boot partition. These changes confuse the much older utilities written for Xen, leaving it unable to read the boot loader data and launch the guest.

The two main problems come down to:

  1. EL 5 can’t read the xfs boot partition created by default by EL 7 hosts. Even if you install optional xfs packages provided by centosplus/centosextras, you still can’t read the filesystem due to the version of xfs being too new for it to comprehend.
  2. The version of pygrub shipped with EL 5 doesn’t have support for Grub2. Well, technically it’s supposed to according to RedHat, but I suspect they forgot to merge in fixes needed to make EL 7 boot.

I hope that RedHat fix this deficiency soon, presumably there will be RedHat customers wanting to do exactly what I’m doing who will apply some pressure for a fix, however until then if you want to get your shiny new EL 7 guests installed, I have a bunch of workarounds for those whom are not faint of heart.


For these instructions, I’m assuming that your guest is installed to /dev/lv_group/vmguest, however these instructions should work equally for image files or block devices.

Firstly, we need to check what the state of the /boot partition is – we need to make sure it is an ext3 volume, or convert it if not. If you installed via the limited text mode installer, it will be an xfs partition, however if you installed via VNC, you might be able to change the type to ext3 and avoid the next few steps entirely.

We use kpartx -a and -d respectively to expose the partitions inside the block device so we can manipulate the contents. We then use the good ol’ file command to check what type of filesystem is on the first partition (which is presumably boot).

# kpartx -a /dev/lv_group/vmguest
# file -sL /dev/mapper/vmguestp1
/dev/mapper/vmguestp1: SGI XFS filesystem data (blksz 4096, inosz 256, v2 dirs)
# kpartx -d /dev/lv_group/vmguest

Being xfs, we’re probably unable to do much – if we install xfsprogs (from centos extras), we can verify it’s unreadable by the host OS:

# yum install xfsprogs
# xfs_check /dev/mapper/vmguestp1
bad sb version # 0xb4b4 in ag 0
bad sb version # 0xb4a4 in ag 1
bad sb version # 0xb4a4 in ag 2
bad sb version # 0xb4a4 in ag 3
WARNING: this may be a newer XFS filesystem.

Technically you could fix this by upgrading the kernel, but EL 5’s kernel is a weird monster that includes all manor of patches for Xen that were never included into upstream, so it’s not a simple (or even feasible) operation.

We can convert the filesystem from xfs to ext3 by using another newer Linux system. First we need to export the boot volume into an image file:

# dd if=/dev/mapper/vmguestp1  | bzip2 > /tmp/boot.img.bz2

Then copy the file to another host, where we will unpack it and recreate the image file with ext3 and the same contents.

$ bunzip2 boot.img.bz2
$ mkdir tmp1 tmp2
$ sudo mount -t xfs -o loop boot.img tmp1/
$ sudo cp -avr tmp1/* tmp2/
$ sudo umount tmp1/
$ mkfs.ext3 boot.img
$ sudo mount -t ext3 -o loop boot.img tmp1/
$ sudo cp -avr tmp2/* tmp1/
$ sudo umount tmp1
$ rm -rf tmp1 tmp2
$ mv boot.img boot-new.img
$ bzip2 boot-new.img

Copy the new file (boot-new.img) back to the Xen host server and replace the guest’s/boot volume with it.

# kpartx -a /dev/lv_group/vmguest
# bzcat boot-new.img.bz2 > /dev/mapper/vmguestp1
# kpartx -d /dev/lv_group/vmguest


Having fixed the filesystem, Xen’s pygrub will be able to read it, however your guest still won’t boot. :-( On the plus side, it throws a more useful error showing that it could access the filesystem, but couldn’t parse some data inside it.

# xm create -c vmguest
Using config file "./vmguest".
Using <class 'grub.GrubConf.Grub2ConfigFile'> to parse /grub2/grub.cfg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 758, in ?
    chosencfg = run_grub(file, entry, fs)
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 581, in run_grub
    g = Grub(file, fs)
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 223, in __init__
    self.read_config(file, fs)
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 443, in read_config
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/grub/GrubConf.py", line 430, in parse
    setattr(self, self.commands[com], arg.strip())
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/grub/GrubConf.py", line 233, in _set_default
    self._default = int(val)
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): ${next_entry}
No handlers could be found for logger "xend"
Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!

At a glance, it looks like pygrub can’t handle the special variables/functions used in the EL 7 grub configuration file, however even if you remove them and simplify the configuration down to the core basics, it will still blow up.

# xm create -c vmguest
Using config file "./vmguest".
Using <class 'grub.GrubConf.Grub2ConfigFile'> to parse /grub2/grub.cfg
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive load_video
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive if
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive else
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive fi
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive linux16
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive initrd16
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive load_video
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive if
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive else
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive fi
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive linux16
WARNING:root:Unknown image directive initrd16
WARNING:root:Unknown directive source
WARNING:root:Unknown directive elif
WARNING:root:Unknown directive source
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 758, in ?
    chosencfg = run_grub(file, entry, fs)
  File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 604, in run_grub
    grubcfg["kernel"] = img.kernel[1]
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
No handlers could be found for logger "xend"
Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
Usage: xm create <ConfigFile> [options] [vars]

Create a domain based on <ConfigFile>

At this point it’s pretty clear that pygrub won’t be able to parse the configuration file, so you’re left with two options:

  1. Copy the kernel and initrd file from the guest to somewhere on the host and set Xen to boot directly using those host-located files. However then kernel updating the guest is a pain.
  2. Backport a working pygrub to the old Xen host and use that to boot the guest. This requires no changes to the Grub2 configuration and means your guest will seamlessly handle kernel updates.

Because option 2 is harder and more painful, I naturally chose to go down that path, backporting the latest upstream Xen pygrub source code to EL 5. It’s not quite vanilla, I had to make some tweaks to rip out a couple newer features that were breaking it on EL 5, so I’ve packaged up my version of pygrub and made it available in both source and binary formats.

Download Jethro’s pygrub backport here

Installing this *will* replace the version installed by the Xen package – this means an update to the package on the host will undo these changes – I thought about installing it to another path or making an RPM, but my hope is that Red Hat get their Xen package fixed and make this whole blog post redundant in the first place so I haven’t invested that level of effort.

Copy to your server and unpack with:

# tar -xkzvf xen-pygrub-6f96a67-JCbackport.tar.gz
# cd xen-pygrub-6f96a67-JCbackport

Then you can build the source into a python module and install with:

# yum install xen-devel gcc python-devel
# python setup.py build
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4
creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4/grub
copying src/GrubConf.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4/grub
copying src/LiloConf.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4/grub
copying src/ExtLinuxConf.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4/grub
copying src/__init__.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4/grub
running build_ext
building 'fsimage' extension
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.4
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.4/src
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.4/src/fsimage
gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC -fPIC -I../../tools/libfsimage/common/ -I/usr/include/python2.4 -c src/fsimage/fsimage.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.4/src/fsimage/fsimage.o -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror
gcc -pthread -shared build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.4/src/fsimage/fsimage.o -L../../tools/libfsimage/common/ -lfsimage -o build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4/fsimage.so
running build_scripts
creating build/scripts-2.4
copying and adjusting src/pygrub -> build/scripts-2.4
changing mode of build/scripts-2.4/pygrub from 644 to 755

# python setup.py install

Naturally I recommend reviewing the source code and making sure it’s legit (you do trust random blogs right?) but if you can’t get it to build/lack build tools/like gambling, I’ve included pre-built binaries in the archive and you can just do

# python setup.py install

Then do a quick check to make sure pygrub throws it’s help message, rather than any nasty errors indicating something went wrong.

# /usr/bin/pygrub


We’re almost ready to try booting again! First create a directory that the new pygrub expects:

# mkdir /var/run/xend/boot/

Then launch the machine creation – this time, it should actually boot and run through the usual systemd startup process. If you installed with /boot set to ext3 via the installer, everything should just work and you’ll be up and running!

If you had to do the xfs to ext3 conversion trick, the bootup process will explode with scary errors like the following:

[ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-245...95b2c23.device.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for /boot.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File Systems.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Relabel all filesystems, if necessary.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Mark the need to relabel after reboot.
[  101.134423] systemd-journald[414]: Received request to flush runtime journal from PID 1
[  101.658465] type=1305 audit(1405735466.679:4): audit_pid=476 old=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:auditd_t:s0 res=1
Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view
system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" to try again
to boot into default mode.
Give root password for maintenance
(or type Control-D to continue):

The issue is that the conversion of the filesystem changed it’s UUID, plus the filesystem type in /etc/fstab no longer matches.

We can fix this easily by dropping to the recovery shell by entering the root password above and executing the following commands:

guest# sed -i -e '/boot/ s/UUID=[0-9\-]*/\/dev\/xvda1/' /etc/fstab
guest# sed -i -e '/boot/ s/xfs/ext3/' /etc/fstab
guest# cat /etc/fstab | grep '/boot'

Make sure the cat returns a valid /boot line, it should be using /dev/xvda1 as the device and ext3 as the filesystem now.

Finally, stop and start the instance (reboots seem to hang for me):

guest# shutdown -h now
xm create -c vmguest1

It should now boot correctly! Go forth and enjoy your new VM!

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

This is certainly a hack – doing this backport of pygrub solved my personal issue, but it’s entirely possible it may break other things, so do your own testing and determine whether it’s suitable for you and your environment or not.

Resize ext4 on RHEL/CentOS/EL

I use an ext4 filesystem for a couple large volumes on my virtual machines. I know that btrfs and ZFS are the new cool kids in town for filesystems, but when I’m already running RAID and LVM on the VM server underneath the guest, these newer filesystems with their fancy features don’t add a lot of value for me, so a good, simple, traditional, reliable filesystem is just what I want.

There’s actually a bit of confusion and misinformation online about using ext4 filesystems with RHEL/CentOS (EL) 5 & 6 systems, so just wanted to clarify some things for people.

ext4 uses the same tools as ext3 and ext2 before it – this means still using the e2fsprogs package which provides utilities such as e2fsck and resize2fs, which handle ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystems with the same command. But there are a few catches with EL…

On an EL 5 system, the version of e2fsprogs is too old and doesn’t support ext4. Therefore there is an additional package called “e4fsprogs” which is actually just a newer version of e2fsprogs that provides renamed tools such as “resize4fs”. This tends to get confusing for users who then try to find these tools on EL 6 or other distributions, so it’s important to be aware that it’s a non-standard thing. Why they didn’t just upgrade the tools/backport the ext4 support is a bit weird to me, especially considering the fact these tools are extremely backwards compatible and should meet even Red Hat’s API compatibility requirements, but it-is-what-it-is sadly.

On an EL 6 system, the version of e2fsprogs is modern enough to support ext4, which means you need to use the normal “resize2fs” command to do an ext4 filesystem resize (as per the docs). Generally this works fine, but I think I may have found a bug with the stock EL 6 kernel and e2fsprog tools.

One of my filesystems almost reached 100% full, so I expanded the underlying block volume and then issued an offline e2fsck -f /dev/volume & resize2fs /dev/volume which completed as normal without error, however it left the filesystem size unchanged. Repeated checks and resize attempts made no difference. The block volume correctly reported it’s new size, so it wasn’t a case of the kernel not having seen the changed size.

However by mounting the ext4 filesystem and doing an online resize, the resize works correctly, although quite slowly, as the online resize seems to trickle-resize the disk, gradually increasing it’s size until finally complete.

This inability to resize offline is not something I’ve come across before, so may be a rare bug trigged by the full size of the filesystem that could well be fixed in newer kernels/e2fsprog packages, but figured I’d mention it for any other poor sysadmins scratching their heads over a similar issue.

Finally, be aware that you need to use either no partition table, or GPT if you want file systems over 2TB and also that the e2fsprogs package shipped with EL 6 has a 16TB limit, so you’ll have to upgrade the package manually if you need more than that.

The Apache that wanted to be root

I’ve run into an issue a couple of times where some web applications on my server have broken following a restart of Apache when the application in question calls external programs..

What seems to happen is that when an administrator restarts Apache during general maintenance of that server, Apache picks up some of the unwanted environmental settings from the root user account, in particular the variable HOME ends up getting set to the home directory of the root user account (/root).

Generally it won’t be an issue for web applications, but if they call an external application (in my case, Git), that external application may use the HOME environment to try and read or write configuration files.

# tail -n1 error.log
fatal: unable to access '/root/.config/git/config': Permission denied

In my case, Git kept dying with a fatal error, which lead to a very confused sysadmin wondering why a process running as Apache is trying to read from the root user’s account…

By looking at the environmental settings for the Apache worker processes, we can see what’s happening. After a normal boot, the environmental variables look something like the below:

# ps aux | grep httpd
root     10173  0.0  1.6  27532  8496 ?        Ss   22:42   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10175  0.1  2.8  37560 14692 ?        S    22:42   0:01 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10176  0.1  2.8  37836 14952 ?        S    22:42   0:01 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10177  0.1  2.8  37332 14876 ?        S    22:42   0:01 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache   10178  0.1  2.8  37560 14692 ?        S    22:42   0:01 /usr/sbin/httpd

# cat /proc/10175/environ

Because Apache has been started by init, it has a nice clean environment. But after a restart by the root user, it’s clear that some cruft from the root user account has been pulled into the application environment variables:

# cat /proc/10175/environ

LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %sG_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1_=/usr/sbin/httpd

Because of these settings, external programs relying on the value of HOME will try to read/write to a directory that they aren’t permitted to use.

Debian-based systems fix this issue by unsetting certain environmentals (including HOME) in the bootscript for Apache, based on the rules in /etc/apache2/envvars.

To fix the issue on a RHEL/CentOS host, you can instead just append a replacement HOME setting into /etc/sysconfig/httpd. This particular configuration file is read at server startup and isn’t overwritten when Apache gets upgraded.

cat >> /etc/sysconfig/httpd << "EOF"
# Correct Apache's home directory

Following a restart, Apache should now show the correct HOME environmental variable and your application should function as expected.

Updated Repositories

I’ve gone and updated my GNU/Linux repositories with a new home page – some of you may have been using this under my previous Amberdms branding, but it’s more appropriate that it be done under my own name these days and have it’s own special subdomain.

I want to unify the branding of a bit more of the stuff I have out there on the internet and also make sure I’m exposing it in a way that makes it easy for people to find and use, so I’m going through a process of improving site templates, linking between places and improving documentation/wording with the perspective of viewing as an outside user.

CSS3 shinyness! And it even mostly works in IE.

Been playing with new HTML5/CSS3 functionality for this site, have to say, it’s pretty awesome.

You can check out the new page at repos.jethrocarr.com, I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible to add my repositories to your servers -I’ll be refining this a little more in coming weeks, such as adding a decent package search function to the site to make it easier to grab some of the goodies hidden away in distribution directories.

I’m currently providing packages for RHEL & clones, Debian and Ubuntu. Whilst my RHEL repos are quite sizable now, the Debian & Ubuntu repositories are much sparser, so I’m going to make an effort to bring them to a level where they at least have all my public software (see projects.jethrocarr.com) available as well tested packages for current Debian Stable and Ubuntu LTS releases.

There’s some older stuff archived on the server if you go hunting as well, such as Fedora and ancient RHEL version packages, but I’m keeping them in the background for archival purposes only.

And yes, all packages are signed with my Amberdms/Jethro Carr GPG signing key. You should never be using any repositories without GPG signed packages, since they’re ideal attack vectors to use to install malicious content with a man-in-the-middle attack otherwise.

gdisk, oh glorious gdisk

My file server virtual machine passed the 2TB limit a couple months ago, which forced me to get around to upgrading it to RHEL 6 and moving from MSDOS to GPT based partitions, as the MSDOS partitioning table doesn’t support more than 2TB partitions.

I recently had to boost it up by another 1 TB to counter growing disk usage and got stuck trying to resize the physical volume – the trusty old fdisk command doesn’t support GPT partitions, with most documentation resources directing you to use parted instead.

The problem with parted, is that the developers have tried to be clever and made parted filesystem aware, so it will perform filesystem operations as well as block partition operations. Secondly, parted writes changes whilst you’re making them rather than letting you discard or write the final results of your changes to the partition table.

This breaks really badly for my LVM physical volume partitions – as you can see below, parted has a resize command, but when used against an LVM volume it is unable to recognize it as a known type and fails with the very helpful “Error: Could not detect file system“.

Naturally this didn’t put parted into my good books for the evening – doing a search of the documentation didn’t really clarify whether doing the old fdisk way or deleting and re-creating partitions at the same start and end positions was safe or not, but the documentation suggested that this is a destructive process. Seeing as I really didn’t feel like have to pull 2TB of data off backup, I chose caution and decided not to test that poorly documented behavior.

The other suggested option is to just add an additional partition and add it to LVM – whilst there’s no technical reason against this method, it really offended my OCD and the desire to keep my server’s partitioning table simple and logical – I don’t want lots of weirdly sized partitions littering the server from every time I’ve had to upsize the virtual machine!

Whilst cursing parted, I wondered whether there was a tool just like fdisk, but for GPT partition tables. Linux geeks do like to poke fun at fdisk for having a somewhat obscure user interface and basic feature set, but once you learn it, it’s a powerful tool with excellent documentation and it’s simplicity leads it to being able to perform a number of very tricky tasks, as long as the admin knows what they’re doing.

Doing some research lead me to gdisk, which as the name suggests, is a GPT capable clone of fdisk, providing a very similar user interface and functionality.

Whilst it’s not part of RHEL’s core package set, it is available in the EPEL repositories, hopefully these are acceptable to your environment:

Once installed, it was a pretty simple process of loading gdisk and deleting the partition before expanding to the new size:

Most important is to verify that the start sector hasn’t changed between deleting the old partition and adding the new one – as long as these are the same and the partition is the same size or larger than the old one, everything will be OK.

Save and apply the changes:

On my RHEL 6 KVM virtio VM, I wasn’t able to get the OS to recognize the new partition size, even after running partprobe, so I had to reboot the VM.

Once rebooted, it was  a simple case of issuing pvresize and pvdisplay to confirm the new physical volume size – from there, I can then expand LVM logical volumes as desired.







Note that pvresize is a bit annoying in that it won’t show any unallocated space – what is means by free PE, is free physical extents, disk that the LVM physical volume already occupies but which isn’t allocated to logical volumes yet. Until you run pvresize, you won’t see any change to the size of the volume.

So far gdisk looks pretty good, I suspect it will become a standard on my own Linux servers, but not being in the base RHEL repositories will limit usage a bit on commercial and client systems, which often have very locked down and limited package sets.

The fact that I need a partition table at all with my virtual machines is a bit of a pain, it would be much nicer if I could just turn the whole /dev/vda drive into a LVM physical volume and then boot the VM from an LVM partition inside the volume.

As things currently stand, it’s necessary to have a non-LVM /boot partition, so I have to create one small conventional partition for boot and a second partition consuming all remaining disk for actual data.

cifs, ipv6 and rhel 5

Unfortunately with my recent project enabling IPv6 across my entire personal server environment, I’ve bumped into a number of annoying issues – nothing that isn’t fixable, but things that are generally frustrating and which just shouldn’t be an issue.

Particular thanks goes to my many RHEL/CentOS 5 virtual machines, which lack some pretty key stuff such as:

  • IPv6 connection tracking preventing the ESTABLISHED,RELATED ip6tables rules from working.
  • Unexpected behavior of certain bootscript configuration options.
  • Lack of IPv6 support with CIFS (Samba/SMB) share mounting.
  • Some weirdness with Dovecot I still need to resolve.

(Personally, based on the number of headaches I’ve found with RHEL 5, my recommendation is accelerate any plans to upgrade to RHEL 6 – or some other distribution – before deploying IPv6 in production.)

At the moment, CIFS IPv6 support on RHEL 5 & 6 has been causing me the most pain. My internal file server is dual stacked and has both A and AAAA DNS records – it’s a stock-standard CentOS 6 box running distribution-shipped Samba packages and works perfectly from the server side and modern IPv6 hosts have no issue mounting the shares via IPv6.

Very typical dual stack configuration:

# host fileserver.example.com 
fileserver.example.com has address
fileserver.example.com has IPv6 address 2001:0DB8::10

However, when I run the following legitimate and syntactically correct command to mount the CIFS share provided by the Samba server on other RHEL 5 hosts, it breaks with a error message that is typical of incorrect syntax with the mount options:

# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //fileserver.example.com/tmp,
       missing codepage or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

Taking a look a the kernel log, it shows a non-descriptive error explanation:

kernel:  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22

This isn’t particularly helpful, made more infuriating by the fact that I know the command syntax is correct and should be working perfectly fine.

Seeing as a number of things broke after switching on IPv6 across the entire network, I’ve become even more of a cynical bastard and ran some tests using specifically stated IPv6 and IPv4 addresses in the mount command.

I found that by passing the IPv6 address instead of the DNS name, you can produce the additional error message which offers some additional insight:

kernel: CIFS: ip address too long

Huh. Looks like a text book IPv6 support bug to me. (Even I have made this mistake in some older generation web apps that didn’t foresee long 128-bit addresses).

In testing, I found that the following commands are all acceptable on a dual-stack network with a RHEL 5 host:

# mount -t cifs // /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody
# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody,ip=

However all ways of specifying IPv6 will fail, as well as pure DNS resolution:

# mount -t cifs //2001:0DB8::10/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody
# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody,ip=2001:0DB8::10
# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody

No method of connecting via IPv6 would work, leaving stock RHEL 5 hosts only being able to work with CIFS shares via IPv4. :-(

Unfortunately this error is due to a known kernel bug in 2.6.18, which was fixed in 2.6.31, but sadly not backported to RHEL 5’s kernel (as of version 2.6.18-308.8.1.el5 anyway), leaving RHEL 5 users in a position where the stock OS is unable to mount CIFS shares on an IPv6 or dual-stacked network. :-(

The ideal solution would be to patch the kernel to resolve the issue – and in fact if you are running on a native IPv6-only (not dual stacked), it would be the only option to get a working solution.

However, typically if you’re using RHEL, custom kernels aren’t that popular due to the impact they make to supportability/guarantee of the platform by vendor and added headaches of security update tracking and application, so another approach is needed.

The following methods will all work for stock RHEL/Centos 5:

  • Use the ip=X mount option to overule DNS.
  • Add an entry to /etc/hosts.
  • Have a separate DNS entry that only has an A record for your file servers (ie //fileserverv4only.example.com/)
  • Disable IPv6 entirely (and suffer the scorn of your cooler IPv6 enabled friends).

These solutions all suck – having manually fixed IPs isn’t great for long term supportability, additional DNS records is an additional pain for management, and let’s not even begin to cover why disabling IPv6 entirely is wrong.

Of course RHEL 5 is a little outdated now, so I took a look at how RHEL 6 fared. On the plus side, it *can* mount IPv6 shares, all of the following mount commands are accepted without fault:

# mount -t cifs // /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody
# mount -t cifs //2001:0DB8::10/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody
# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody,ip=
# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody,ip=2001:0DB8::10

However, any mount of a IPv6 server using the DNS name will still fail, just like how they did with RHEL 5:

# mount -t cifs //fileserver.example.com/tmp /mnt/tmpshare -o user=nobody

The solution is that you need to install the “cifs-utils” package which provides the /sbin/mount.cifs binary offering smarter handling of shares – once installed, all mount command options will work OK on RHEL 6, including the standard DNS-based command we all know and love. :-D

I had always assumed that all Linux systems that could mount CIFS shares had the /sbin/mount.cifs binary installed, but it seems that’s not the case, rather the standard /bin/mount command can handle mounting CIFS using just the standard kernel mount() function

However when /bin/mount detects a /sbin/mount.FILESYSTEM binary, it will call that process instead of calling the kernel mount() directly, these binaries can offer additional logic and handling off the mount command before passing it through to the Linux kernel.

For example, the following strace from a RHEL 5 host shows that /sbin/mount checks for the existence of /sbin/mount.cifs, before then going on to call the Linux kernel mount() directly with the provided arguments:

stat64("/sbin/mount.cifs", 0xbfc9dd20)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
mount("//fileserver.example.com/tmp", "/mnt", "cifs", MS_MGC_VAL, "user=nobody,password=nobody") = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)

But a RHEL 6 host with cifs-utils installed provides /sbin/mount.cifs, which appears to do it’s own name resolution, then establishes a connection to both the IPv4 and IPv6 sockets, before deciding which to use and instructs the kernel using the ip=X parameter.

stat64("/sbin/mount.cifs", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=29376, ...}) = 0
clone(Process 1666 attached
[pid  1666] mount("//fileserver.example.com/tmp/", ".", "cifs", 0, "ip=2001:0DB8::10",user=nobody,password=nobody) = 0

So I had an idea….. what if I could easily modify a version of cifs-utils to run on RHEL 5 dual-stack servers, yet only ever resolve DNS queries to IPv4 addresses to work around the kernel issue? :-D

Turns out you can – effectively I just made the nastiest hack ever by just tearing out the IPv6 name resolver. :-/

I’m going to hell for this, but damn, feels good man. ;-)

I wasn’t totally evil, I added an info level syslog notice about the IPv4 enforcement incase any poor admin is ever getting puzzled by someone’s customized RHEL 5 box refusing to connect to CIFS shares IPv6 – that would be a bit too cruel. ;-)

The hack is pretty crude, it actually just breaks the IPv6 socket connection attempt and so it then falls back to IPv4, so it throws up a couple errors in the logs, but doesn’t actually impact the mounting at all.

mount.cifs: Warning: Using specially patched cifs-utils to ignore IPv6 address resolution - enforcing IPv4 only!
kernel:  CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation
kernel:  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111

But wait, there’s more! I have shiny cifs-util i386/x86_64/SRPM packages with this evil hack available for download from amberdms-os repository (or directly from the server here).

Naturally this is a bit of a kludge, don’t trust it for mission critical stuff, you ONLY need it for RHEL 5, not RHEL 6 and I can’t guarantee it won’t eat all your data and bring upon the end times, etc, etc.

I’ve tested it on my devel systems and it seems like the nicest fix – sure it won’t work for any hosts needing to run on native IPv6, but by the time I come to drop IPv4 addressing entirely I certainly will have moved on my last hosts from RHEL 5 to something a bit newer. :-)

Largefiles strike again!

With modern Linux systems – hell, even systems from 5+ years ago – there’s usually very little issue with handling large files (> 2GB), in fact files considered large a decade ago are now tiny in comparison.

However sometimes poor sysadmins like myself have to support much older machines, in my case, a legacy accounting platform which is tied to the RHEL 2.1 host it was installed on and you suddenly get to re-discover the headaches that plagued sysadmins before us.

In my case, the backup scripts for this application suddenly stopped working recently with the error of:

cpio: standard input is closed: Value too large for defined data type

Turns out that their data had finally crept over the 2GB limit, which left cpio able to write the backup, but unable to read it for verification or restore purposes.

Thankfully cpio does support largefiles, but it’s a case of adding -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 to the gcc options at build time, so I built which fixes the problem (or at least till we hit the 16GB filesystem limits) ;-)

The version of cpio on the server is ancient, dating back to 2001 (with RHEL 2.1 being first released in 2002), so it’s over a decade old now, and I found it quite difficult to obtain the source for the specific installed version of cpio on the server, Red Hat seemed to be missing the exact release (they have -23 and -28, but not -25) so I pulled the Red Hat 8 source which comes from around the same time period – one of the advantages of having RHN is being able to quickly pull old packages, both binary and source. :-)

If you have this exact issue with a legacy system using cpio, feel free to grab my binary or source package from my repos and save yourself some build time. :-)

mailx contains invalid character

Whilst my network is predominately  CentOS 5 hosts, I’ve started moving many of them to CentOS 6, mostly on a basis of doing so whenever a host needs a particularly newer version, since I don’t really want to spend an entire week rebuilding all 30-odd VMs.

One problem I encountered was a number of scripts failing when sending emails, throwing out messages to STDERR:

[example] contains invalid character '['
send-mail: invalid option -- 's'
send-mail: invalid option -- 's'
send-mail: fatal: usage: send-mail [options]

What I found is that on CentOS/RHEL 5, the following would work fine:

# mail root -s "[example] message"
test message content

But on CentOS/RHEL 6, it would ignore the subject field (as can be seen by it re-asking for it) and then fail with an annoying “invalid character” error:

# mail root -s "[example] message"
[example] contains invalid character '['
test message content
# send-mail: invalid option -- 's'
send-mail: invalid option -- 's'
send-mail: fatal: usage: send-mail [options]

Turns out that between mailx version 8.1.1 and mailx version 12.4, the mailx binary got a lot more fussy about the formatting of the command line options.

Viewing the help on both versions shows that options need to come before the destination user, however it seems that older versions of mailx were a bit slacker and accepted some flexibility of command line options.

Usage: mail -eiIUdEFntBDNHRV~ -T FILE -u USER -h hops -r address \
 -S OPTION users

The correct solution, is to always have the target user as the final field, after the command line options, aka:

# mail -s "[example] message" root
test message content

This will work happily on all versions since it’s correct syntax of the command line options.

Hopefully everyone else is smart enough to do this the right way the first time, but figured I’d post this incase some other poor sysadmin is having the same confusion over the invalid character message. :-)